what is love (baby dont hurt me)

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"how about i run you a bath?
(when we wake up in the morning)
will you regret kissing my head?
(when we wake up in the morning)
how about i run you a bath?
(i don't take baths often)
how about you stay here all week?"  -nightclub love, matt maltese

If she said that it felt right being with Chiaki, Ibuki would be a liar.

Ibuki doesn't exactly understand what love is, or how it's supposed to feel, she's still just a teen after all. The idea of love felt so exciting and new, like sunshine on a cold day, or a missing piece to a puzzle. She was expecting warm bubbly feelings to emerge inside of her, a smile on her face every time she saw pastel pink hair, but it was everything she didn't expect.

If this was what love felt like, then she was upset that everyone hyped it up. It was all there for her, they even had a cute story to tell for how they met. Love letters are so romantic, and the idea of being confessed that way made her feel special and giddy inside, so why wasn't she happy?

Why didn't it feel real, why didn't it feel as mythical as the books described it, why didn't it feel right?

These questions had been running around Ibuki's mind all day long.

Chiaki and her felt like more of a friendship with extra hearts and touch. The two of them had a bond, a connection, but it was a different type.

She's curious if Chiaki keeps wondering about when Ibuki will kiss her. Ibuki doesn't want to admit that the reason she hasn't kissed Chiaki after a few weeks of their relationship is because she doesn't want to give her first kiss away to Chiaki.

Ibuki loves Chiaki. Chiaki is her closest friend and she loves spending time with the girl. She's pretty as well, and has a nice personality. Their conversations are always great, and Chiaki's always been there to support Ibuki.

The thing is, Ibuki has always been comfortable with this. She's always been comfortable with their current dynamic. She's always been comfortable with being best friends with Chiaki, nothing more, nothing less.

Maybe she should give it time, it's only been a few weeks after all.

Maybe this is how love really felt. Ibuki's a bit disappointed.


"HEEEYY!" Ibuki calls out to a friend of hers, a boy with bright pink hair and sharp teeth. He turns around swiftly, surprised at Ibuki's loud yell.

"Huh? Ibuki? What do you want?" Kazuichi asks. Ibuki smiles at him.

"Ya know how you're super duper in love with Sonia? Ibuki wants to know how it feels like!" Ibuki says to him, awaiting his answer.

"Well..." He pauses, thinking for a moment, "...it's a bit like, having a fever, maybe? Like you'll just know it when you feel it! It's unmistakeable."


(ibuki tries to imagine chiaki, and thinks about that feeling he described.)

"A warm bubbly feeling, it's like warm and tingly and you feel all giddy inside," he continued, "it's wanting to know more about them, to be around them... it's a deep connection with them."

"Sonia makes me feel warm and happy inside, and I always wanna spend time with her! She's so pretty... I just admire her so much. I wanna know all about her, and be with her! She gives me butterflies inside, and makes me feel all giddy. Does that make sense?"

The way he talks about Sonia is sweet. His voice is filled with pure adoration, his face is red and he can't stop himself from smiling. Ibuki almost wants to smile with him because it's so, so, sweet to see and listen to. The way he describes love is everything Ibuki has wanted to feel for so long and that she thought she'd feel.

Love is such a confusing thing, she thinks. She's glad it exists, though. Even if Kazuichi is giggling like a little girl, red as a tomato, and talking a lot, Ibuki doesn't mind. It's really sweet and cute to see, and she's glad she went to him about it.

"I get it, I get it!" Ibuki giggles, thinking about his answer.

(instead of pink hair, she sees dark purple choppy hair. the hair is unmistakable, and ibuki knows exactly where it's from.)

"Is that how you feel for Chiaki?" Kazuichi asks, curiosity lacing his voice. Ibuki owes him an answer.

"I don't know."

Even though she's dating Chiaki, her mind can't help but wander to Mikan Tsumiki. Mikan occupies her thoughts too often, sometimes.



haha happy late xmas gift?

i'm so so sorry for the late update. i've been so caught up with life and new interests that i've just completely forgotten about this. this fic will definitely be completed. it will not be discontinued. i'm not as into danganronpa as i used to be when i first started writing fics, and i kinda find it hard to write for the fandom now. i also don't have the best motivation

i'll try not make the next update take too much time. writing this chapter has really made me remember how much i loved writing :)

also yes ibuki x mikan is endgame😭 and let's pretend that souda x sonia isn't toxic and that his crush on her is healthy or something idk😭

until next time!

(DISCONTINUED) ps: i really like you | ibuki x mikan Where stories live. Discover now