It all ends here

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"Ok let's do it. He can have the surgery just stop the bleeding please." I told the doctor

"Alright there is a open spot for him tomorrow at 12. Is that time good for you?" The doctor said

A few hours later my mom and dad came to the hospital with franks mom and sister. When they came into the room I saw there faces turn pale like they have just seen a ghost. How am I going to tell them he need surgery its bad already for them seeing him there but now they have to find out he need surgery to stop his internal bleeding. How much will his mom and sister be able to take?

"Hey Linda, Christina, mom, dad." I said hello to everyone and I really didn't want to tell them but he was having the surgery in 12 hours i had to.

"So I need to tell you all something." I started. "The doctor told me that frank....frank has internal bleeding.....and he will need surgery to help stop it."

"What? When...when will he have it?" Christina ask staring at frank with tears in her eyes

"Tomorrow at 12am."

"What he's going to have surgery in 12 hours? Oh my god why is this happening to him?"

"Do the kids know?" Linda asked trying to calm Christina down

"No. All they know is he was hurt and need to be taken care of. They are staying with Mikey if you want to see them."

"He's going to be alright honey." My mom said hugging me as she saw I was starting to cry. "He is a fighter dont forget that ok."

"I know I just can't stop thinking of all the bad things that could happen." I said crying into my mothers shoulder.

The next day

It was 11:30 in only 30 minutes Frank was going to go into surgery. They were going to wake Frank up so he knows whats going on and he can see his family before he went into surgery. Ray and Jessica were coming to see him so the nurses tried there best to cover franks cuts up but they couldn't do anything about his arm or leg. The nurse came in with this shoot that was going to wake Frank and it worked not even a minute after she gave it to him he woke up right away.

"Frank how do you feel? Dr. Bryar asked him

"I feel like im in pain." Frank answered in answered in a hushed voice

"Frank today you are going to have surgery because you have some internal bleeding and we need to stop it." Dr. Bryar told him

"Well I guess you have to cut me open then." Frank said laughing.

"Hey guess who came to see there daddy." Mikey said as he brought Ray and Jessica in.

"Daddy!" Jessica screamed as I picked her up and put her on Franks bed. As well with Ray.

"Hey how's my little girl?"


"Good well thats good." He said tickling her. "How about my big boy. How are you Ray."

"Im awesome." Ray said as he put no his thumbs up next to his face.

"Daddy whats are the big hard things on your arm and leg?" Ray asked

"We'll you see I got hurt and I need those so dont make my boo boo worse." Frank explained

After we all talked and laughing the doctor came in telling us it was time for his surgery.

"Well daddy has to go now but he will be back soon ok." He said as he kissed Ray and Jessica.

"Good luck big bro. I love you." Christina said kissing frank.

"I will be here when you wake up honey." I said giving frank a nice long kiss.

"Gerard are you try get with me?" Frank said joking around. "I love you so much gee."

"I love you with all my heart frank. I said putting franks hand to my heart.

About 2 hours later Dr. Bryar came out I run up to him and asked him how everything went and how frank is.

"Mr. Way im so sorry but.... Frank had lost to much blood...and his heart had failed im afraid he didn't make it." Dr. Bryar said trying to tell me gently and as calm as he could.

I stood there tears going down my face no emotion no world nothing my body gave out and I fell to the floor my head in my hands. I heard Christina break down and her mom trying to comfort her also crying. How am I going to tell Ray and Jessica. Why did this have to happen to us? Why did this have to happen to him? Why?

Don't worry baby Ray daddy Gee is right hereWhere stories live. Discover now