How can this be happening

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Gerard's point of view

"WHAT NO HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN....WHEN DID IT HAPPEN......HOW!" I scream and I got the call from the hospital. The call i never wanted to get. My husband frank was in a bad car crash and is not doing to good. I might lose him.

"Daddy whats wrong?" My son Ray asked as him and his little sister Jessica walk in to my room.

"Honey can you go put your shoes on and help your sister we have to go see daddy in the hospital he has been hurt." I told him trying to be as calm as I could for my kids.

"Ok. Calm on Jessica were going to go see daddy." Ray said taking Jessica's hand.

I sat on my bed trying not to cry. Frank has to be ok he can't die. I can't be alone i have been with him since we were teens he is the love of my life. We have been married for 10 years. We have 2 beautiful kids together. Ray who is only 7 and Jessica who is 5. Just thinking about our life and how it could all fall apart made me lose control and break down crying

"Daddy are you ok?" Ray ask I cleaned my face fast so he doesn't see I was crying

"Im fine sweetie just thinking thats all. Are you two ready?"

"Yes can we go see daddy now?"

"Yes we will go see him once I call uncle Mikey ok sweetheart." I said as I was putting ray and Jessica on there chairs.

"Hello." Mikey answered

"Thank god Mikey I need you now frank was in a bad car crash and I need to go to the hospital can you come and help watch the little ones." I said basically not giving him a choice.

"Ummm yea I will meet you at the hospital. But what happened?"  

"I don't know all the lady told me was that be was in a car crash. Please just hurry." I said.

I gave Mikey the address to the hospital and rushed out the house so I could get there as fast as I could. Me and Mikey got to the hospital at the same time. I was glade the kids was one less thing to worry about right now. I gave the lady my name and she told me to wait for the doctor as she pointed to the chairs in the waiting room. It felt like forever but finally the doctor came out.

"Hello Mr. Way I am doctor Bryar. Bob Bryar." He said shaking my hand

"Hello doctor. How is my husband? How did this happen? Is he going to make it?" I tried to ask only one question but they all came out at once.

"Please Mr.Way one question at a time. Your husband is at he is stable at this moment. He got hit im the back by a drunk driver. It's hard to tell at this moment if he will make it. Do you have anymore questions."

"Ummmm can I see him? And please call me Gerard."

"Yes you can but he is not all there yet so it is possible he can fall asleep at any moment." Bob said as he took me to Franks room.

"Watch the kids Mikey I will be right back." I said

The second i saw Frank i started to cry he had tubes going in and out of his arms. He had a cast on his left arm and right leg. He had cuts all over him some so deep he had to get stitches. I walked over to him and sat down right next to his bed.

"Hey baby." I said trying my best to not cry and stay strong for him.

"Hey gee." Frank said very low. "What happened? Where am I?" He asked confused.

"Your in the hospital you were in a car crash." I said

"Oh yea i was hit from behind. I never even saw him coming."

"Its ok all that counts is that you are alive a......" I was cut off by the sound of the machine basically telling me franks heart had stopped. Doctors and nurses came running in trying to get to frank and trying to make he leave but I wouldn't move.

"No Im not leaving Frank Frank please don't die please!!!!" I screamed as I was getting pushed out of his room tears running down my face. What if they can't bring him back and this is it. I well never get to tell him how much he means to me how much I love him. How he saved my life in high school. I will never get to give him one last kiss. He can't die he just he can't.

Don't worry baby Ray daddy Gee is right hereWhere stories live. Discover now