iii. graduate?

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AN/ I am so sorry that it's taking me a decade to finish this story, Ive just not had much motivation to continue writing. Ill try to get the next chapter out by the end of this week, but I can't make any promises. I'm so sorry.


I rubbed my eyes, stuffing my face with the toast. "Do we need to reschedule?" Yelena chuckles, sitting down beside me. "You seem to be out of it."

"No way!" I snap, trying to wake myself up. "We're not missing today!"

"Good! Ive been wanting to marry you for a long time now."


"Hey, (Name)." Sasha said, sitting down.

"What's up, Sasha? You never came home last night."

"Uhm, yeah." She laughs. "Thing is, Niccolo kinda of asked me to be his girlfriend last night and I kind of stayed with him."

Yelena gave Sasha Niccolo's address three months ago. He finally got the balls to ask her out. "I hope you used protection, Sasha."

"What!" She yelps, covering my mouth with her hands. "No, that didn't happen I swear! We just fell asleep together, nothing else!"

"You slept with who?" Yelena asked, leaning in over my shoulder. It's felt like me and Yelena were the parents of Sasha and Niccolo for these past couple months because they just can't seem to bring themselves to talk to each other.

"Niccolo." I muttered back to her.

"Did you use something to protect yourself?"

"No!" Sasha cries. "We didn't do that, oh my god. He just asked me to be his girlfriend."

"Psh, finally." Yelena chuckles, leaning back in her seat. "Took him long enough." I nod in agreement and Mx. Hange walks into the classroom.

"Good morning my beautiful children. As we know, we will be graduating school here in two weeks. Although that is something to celebrate, you must also be studying your time studying for your finals. It's you last finals, so make it good!"


"I don't know!" Sasha grumbled, pulling her hair and rolling across the floor.

"Cant you look in the textbook for some help?" Studying is a very hard task with Sasha. Especially when she's hungry. Her attention keeps flickering from the papers, to the door, to the kitchen, pretty much anything she can lay her eyes on.

"What's the question asking you?" Yelena asked, trying to help out. It wasn't unusual for Yelena to frequently visit. She was pretty much here every day. Almost like another roommate.

Sasha handed the paper over and Yelena skimmed over the question. With a brain like hers, I'm sure she already had the answer and had to put it into words that Sasha would understand.

"I'm going to step outside real quick." I said, getting up from the couch and stepping outside.

Yelena's POV

"Thank you." Sasha said, sitting back down and looking at her next question. "Hey, when are you going to do that thing with (Name)? You thinking before or after we graduate?"

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