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Maybe if I went back, I could find a way around it. Surely, there was a different way things could have ended. Maybe if I had stepped in. Maybe if I didn't leave her on her own. The more I think about it, the more useless and hopeless I feel. Like the world is working against me. Like it's my fault things turned out this way. She probably blames me for this. I would. Never once did I prove to her that I was capable.


1 Year Later

Yelena held onto my hands tight, walking around a maze of flowers. She found this garden... somehow. Ive never heard of it before. It smelled and looked beautiful. There were so many different kinds of flowers all in one area. I hope that I'll never forget this place. And I'm sure I won't.

Yelena ended up finding a very good job with her degree. I took a job as well to help pay for the bills, but she would try to convince me that she could pay for it all and I should just relax. She tried to do too much for me. I hope she doesn't overwork her self just for me.

Yelena suddenly came to a stop. I didn't know how far we had traveled into this garden, but it felt like we had been wondering around for a couple minutes. There was a tree standing on its own with a wall of flowers standing around it. Hanging from one of the branches was a swing. Yelena lead me forward, inviting me to take a seat.

"You just going to stand there?" I ask, glancing over at Yelena.

"Yeah. I don't mind." It was quiet between the two of us, but I could hear the wind blowing through the leaves and the birds chirping from above. Everything about this moment just felt so right.

"If you're tired of standing I can get up or scoot over."

"It's not a problem." She was always so stubborn when I offered to help her. I shrug, knowing that I couldn't get through to her. The sun was starting to set and the sun was casting a light orange glow. I looked over to Yelena. The lighting made her look ethereal. She looked like a literal angel. Her skin was glowing and her features looked calm and glossy. She caught me staring and turned her attention over to me.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Her hands traveled up to her face, searching for anything out of the ordinary.

"No, Yelena." I laugh. "Nothing on your face. You just look really pretty tonight." I saw a blush creeping up on her face, but she tried to hide it. I think the blush made her look even cuter.

"Do you think we should start going back? It's probably getting late." I said, standing up from the swing and taking a couple steps forward. I didn't hear Yelena follow. "Yelena?" I turned back around and Yelena grabbed my hands. "Is something wrong?"

She bit her bottom lip, dropping down to one knee with both of her hands still holding mine. "Yelena?"

She took a small box from her pocket, holding it up to me and opening it to reveal a ring. It looked expensive. "(Name)," She starts, "I don't know if I can wait anymore. Ive been wanting to ask you for months now. I don't know what it is about you, exactly, but I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you with all my heart and I want to be the one to take care of you and make you feel safe. I know we didn't start out well, but I really think that there's a connection between us. (Name), will you marry me?"

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