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The tension in the room didn't go unnoticed by Kumiko, who later realized that the cause of this was her photoshopped picture, and the angered expression her dear sister wore.

Kumiko smiles at her sister, thankful that she was concerned enough to be angry at her accord.

"umm... about this," Kumiko then shows them the picture, Hana grumbles at her sister's bravery.

Why'd she show that?! Is she not embarrassed? Well, she might not be insecure but... showing that?

The male students all wore smug looks, they're convinced Kumiko would run out crying out of embarrassment. Everyone except Koda, who is still grumpy that a girl made him cave in.

"what does Yankumi mean?" Hana sighs, the picture did bother her, it was disrespectful. But seeing her sister not even fazed by it made her sigh in relief.

At least it didn't get to her.

"hah." they all had mixed feelings, how the hell did all that not affect her in the slightest? If she were some girl she'd die of embarrassment and run out, quitting. Like all their former teachers did.

"it's your nickname, of course!" Minami exclaims, arrogantly smiling.

"when 'Yamaguchi Kumiko' is shortened, it becomes... Yankumi!" Kuma explains, the last part being said by the idiotic group - being Kuma, Minami, Uchi, and Noda, Shin's too smart to be called an idiot.

Kumiko naively considers the nickname, and decides at she 'likes' it and will actually keep it, this perplexed Hana but alas what can a younger sister do?

"I got angry for nothing." she grumbles under her breath.

Hana zones back in when she hears her sister mimic the Head Teacher's voice, she grimaces her face and makes a sound similar to human vomiting, her friends who saw and heard her laughed, including Noda who is trying his best to tune down his laughter, not wanting to succumb to her cuteness and forgive her without here asking for forgiveness.

Even when he's supposed to be the one giving his apologies.

"he always singles us out." Minami complains.

Hana hears this and laughs.

"it's because y'all are dumbasses, you always get caught! If you bring or do trouble at least make an effort to hide it." they all give her the glare, even when they're used to her sharp tongue her words still hit them straight to the bone.

Their happy moment soon ended and they all acted like nothing happened, everyone going to their own business and doing their own thing. Even when Yankumi tells them to keep quiet they seem to not be listening.

Hana sighs, still no improvement huh? I hope her wise words and determined soul gets to them somehow. Or they'll be the death of me.


"Sawada I told you not to be late!" Hana wakes up minutes later to her sister giving lectures to Shin.

Shin as usual ignores Yankumi and sits on his chair, unafraid.

He later notices Hanas slumped figure with her shoulders shaking, assuming she's having a bad dream he hesitantly lifts his hand and places it on her head. Carefully patting her head.

Shin looks anywhere but her, he just can't believe he's doing something as cliché as this. With his head atop his hand, he blushes, failing to ignore the growing thing he feels inside his stomach.

Meanwhile, Hana had forgotten the moment she saw earlier, it was instead replaced with the scene of Shin patting her head.

Shin seemed to have expected the worst, because instead of bickering with her like usual he sits close to her and rubs her head, thinking that he'd soothe her somehow - he didn't he only made Hana notice her growing feelings.

Unbeknownst to him, Hana actually isn't having a bad dream or anything of the sort but is actually laughing at him but now it's replaced with her shaking because of embarrassment and fluster.

I'd rather die, oh my Kami-sama, why are you doing this to me? Why does my heart feel like there're hundreds of elephants thumping in it?!


(A/N: I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating for months, just lazy and actually trying to keep my grades up - even when I can't learn shit and have to rely on the internet. I'll make sure to update the next chapter longer, love ya.

Also thank you to my dear reader who has been commenting and voting on this story this one's for you, even if it's short I tried my best to update, you gave me the motivation to do so, so thank you.)

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