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"Hana-chan!" Kumiko yells, running to her sister.

Hana who sees this stops and greets her sister.

"ohayo nee-san." Kumiko smiles and looks back, Hana sees this and also looks back.

They both see their family happily waving, Hana waves back and looks to her sister.

"let's go."


"oh! Hana-chan's here!"


This greeted Hana the moment she steps into the classroom, she only waves also yawning.

She sits beside Shin who's miraculously early.

"still not used to the timeline?" Hana rubs her eyes while nodding.

"my sleeping schedule is now fucked up." she pouts.

Shin smiles and pinches her cheeks, "is the baby tired of this BS?" he says, teasing her.

"now's not the time Shin." she flips Shin's hand and instead buries her head on the table.

Shin smirks eyeing her hair.

"It looks soft." unconsciously Shin reaches his hand out to her hair, running it as if combing her tangled hair.

"It is smooth."

"Kuma!" this call snaps Shin out of his trance.

As if realizing what he did he stops and hurriedly takes his hand back, hiding his growing smirk.

Hana who had been acting asleep all the time smiles, also hiding her blush.

"What was he doing?"


Minutes of chaos and finally the bell rang, signaling the end of class and the start of lunch.

"man I'm hungry."

"I'm going smoking, who's with me?"

"Nah, I'm hungry."

"let's cut class and visit that karaoke! I heard it's good."

"Yeah, let's do that!"

Hearing this Hana rolls her eyes.

Seriously what is wrong with these guys and cutting? Will it not be a nuisance once they graduate? Not even knowing how to talk properly, these guys are hopeless.

"come with us Hana-chan! We're eating on the roof!"

I tilt my head at this, not wanting to keep them waiting I smile and nod.



"where's your lunch?" Hana can't help but ask, motioning her chopsticks to their empty laps.

"wh- why would you point your chopsticks down there?" Noda stutters, covering his supposedly 'there'.

"hmm? What do you mean?" Hana now confused stared at Noda, then Shin, who later gives her 'that' kind of smirk.

Her mind tries to process what the smirk is about, her brain trying to explain it the best that it could.

Pointing chopsticks to their lap - them sitting down - pointing there- there - Noda hiding his 'there' - that!

Realizing what they meant she accidentally spits her food, then starts to cough.

"The fuck?! I didn't mean it 'that' way!" she exclaims after she recovered.

They all laughed, causing her to blush and look away out of embarrassment.

"shut up"


After the whole ordeal, Hana decided to sleep, with her sleeping schedule messed up she takes this opportunity to nap.

"what? You mean you want money for the lunch?!"

"when those Kita High students were hassling you, who came to your rescue?!"

Ugh, they're harassing students again. Can't they do it in a more 'kind' way? Although kind isn't really in their vocabulary they could be less mean.

Hana sits right up, startling Shin who was just sitting beside her.

"awake already?" Hana nods, her head facing the troublesome bunch.

"what's with the noise?" she asks Shin, almost turning it into a whisper, not wanting to take their attention.

Shin only shrugs at this, not knowing how to explain such ridiculous actions.

"food! Food! Food!" they all chant, circling the supposedly 'food'.

"what the hell were you guys doing?" Hana asks, moving to them and leaning against the wall.

"oh! Did we wake you up?" Uchiyama asks, Hana grimaces at this, "I'm stating the obvious aren't I?" Uchiyama says, laughing.

"wanna eat Hana?" Kuma asks, stuffing his mouth with food.

Hana again grimaces, shaking her head and going back to sit beside Shin.

The other boys however fought with each other, mostly yelling at Kuma for taking too much portion.

Hana along with Shin rolls their eyes, they silently decide to leave them be and fumble with their phones.

"hi boys." this however caught their attention. Well, Hana's.

Hana looks up to see her sister talking to the boys, who by the way, are ignoring her as if she was air.

"well, the Headteacher is missing some money he was in charge of." this officially took Shin's attention, he sits up waiting for what's to come.

Kumiko continues her speech, "so, you suspect we did it, right?"

Shin walks up to them, leaving Hana on her own.

"trouble again?" she groans, following Shin.

"Perhaps, someone besides..." Kumiko stops when she sees her sister beside Shin.

"oh! Hana-chan!" she happily calls out, waving her hand.

Hana also greets her sister, smiling.

"Why are you with them?" this made the boys stiffen, not being able to stop themselves from flinching on being on their guard.

"what she can't be with people like us?!" Kuma yells, standing up.

The others followed and faced Kumiko.

"now, now. I appreciate y'all standing up for me, literally. But what I don't appreciate is how y'all are yelling at her." Hana says, standing beside Kumiko and putting her arms on her shoulder.

This shut their mouths.

"I'll let you handle the problem with Headteacher Onee-chan." Hana smiles at her sister and does back beside Shin, Shin in return puts his arm on her shoulder.

Hana zones out after that (cause I'm lazy), obviously not caring about their topic. She didn't know it'll bring trouble with her not knowing though.

She didn't even realize Shin left her side to scare off Kumiko.

And maybe, just maybe this little encounter changed everything. Kumiko and Shin's relationship that is...

Maybe Shin's hatred towards teachers will turn into hating Kumiko, let's not hope that hate turns into passionate love, god knows how hard that'll be for Hana.


[A/N: yep, changed it again, realized this chap was hella boring.]

[another note: I realized Yankumi's age is 23 and if you deduct it by 11 (which is by the way stated in her grandmother letter in chap 1) Hana will be 12 years old which I estimated wrong, she should be 16, so if you go back to chap 1 you'll see that I changed the contents of the letter.]

[And another note: I'm editing this on my phone. Because some reason Wattpad's spacing in my laptop is fucking weird. Anyway, y'all enjoy.]

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