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1. Wendy Meave Chavez's character design was inspired from Misaki Mei. She genuinely looks like her, minus the heterochromia (doll eye) and eye patch. Wendy was the fruit of my love for Mei. <3 My head as well recollected that doll from the anime series that looks exactly like Mei, hence Wendy was given the nickname "cursed doll."

2. Zen Vergara's supposed-to-be name was Zed, which I rendered from the Disney movie Z-O-M-B-I-E-S. But I changed it when I remembered the male lead from the anime series Snow White With a Red Hair. Moreover, half of his likes and personality was taken from my kwaszxch.

3. William Chavez's suicidal character was inspired from Dazai Osamu and his being tech geek from Hiro Hamada. He's 21 years old, which is my favorite number. His school, RIOT, also came from SFIT, San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, where Hiro Hamada studied.

4. The Phantom Detective's early drafts were written in Zed Vergara's point of view but I had a hard time writing his perspectives. As for me, genuis male characters are too difficult so I preferred their POVs not written.

5. I considered the number of letters in the major characters' name to make a connection between them.

Zen (3)
Skye (4)
Wendy (5)
Sophie (6)
Heather (7)
Kentonni (8)

6. It was supposed to be Wendy's best friend's death that provoked her to blackmail the phantom detective. But I made her friendless in the end.

7. Selhyna Villaflores, the tech geek from RIOT and our main characters' benefactor, she was an OC of my friend. My friend decided her name, hair color, eyes, lifestyle. The character's personality was also imitated from my friend's.

8. Since William Chavez was inspired from Hiro Hamada, I also made Baker Street Cafe to have my own version of Aunt Cass's Lucky Cat Cafe. (If you've watched the Big Hero 6 movie and series, good that!)

9. Shuck, slinthead, klunk, and shanks are words from The Maze Runner that the characters are using when they've made their own vocabulary. ACK! COPYRIGHT! COPYRIGHT! I'M JUST A FAN!

10. The Prince of Devils that was introduced in Chapter 6: Captured and Code has his own book as a major character. If you are curious, you may visit my profile and seek for the book "REVERSE." It is a mystery novella that might match your liking. I just made a little crossover. You can check it out! ;3

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