Assailed: Chapter Seven -Assailed

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“Really, this is the safest place to be.” Shanti could hardly believe the words coming out of her mouth as she sat across from the two women. 

The Eloheem had left them alone with Shanti as they fled the scene of the destruction. It had been a trying few days for her. She’d thought she’d died. Found the love of her life. Been abducted. Fallen under the spell of her true love’s domineering brother. Been abandoned. And now she was not only doing the rescuing, she was insisting that her former cage safe.

“Did they abduct you too?” 

This came from the younger woman. She had large hazel eyes. Her thick hair was pulled back and tamed in a bun at the base of her skull. She wore a vest overtop of a frilly shirt that was likely white, but now was covered in dirt and grime. On the lower half of her body was a long gray skirt that covered her knees and a pair of something Shanti hadn’t seen since her short stint in a Southern grade school. Penny Loafers. With an actual penny slipped in the top.

“They did, didn’t they?” The young woman, Esther she’d said her name was, her eyes went wide with fear.

“No, no. They didn’t.” But Shanti hesitated as the words rolled off her tongue. 

The older woman beside Esther caught it. Her name was Beulah. In her mind Shanti cringed when she thought of the abuse the woman had likely taken as a child. She was dressed in jeans and a demure shirt. Her hair was in a thick plait around the crown of her head reminding Shanti of renditions of African queens.

“What are they going to do to us?” Beulah looked off to the side where the young child lay sleeping peacefully.

“They won’t hurt you,” Shanti said. “That I promise you.”

“But the others-“

“The others were sick. These beings, their called Eloheem, they’re not. They were just on the Earth to get a plant to help heal their ship.”

“So they’ll take us back?” asked Esther.

Shanti hesitated. She knew that they couldn’t turn back any time soon as they had other aliens on the look out for them. But even more, she’d seen the way the males looked at the women as they boarded. Shanti felt certain that none of the Eloheem would harm the women. But she’d seen first hand how persuasive they could be.

“I don’t know the answer to that. I only know that you are safe now, and they will do everything in their power to make sure you stay that way. You’ve all been through a lot. Why don’t you get some rest. We can talk again later.”

Shanti left the women to the room and went down the hall to her own room. Inside she found Chen resting on the berth. His eyes were closed. His bruised arm rested across his bare belly.

Shanti took a moment to stand over the bed and stare down at him. She’d known him for less than a week’s time, but she felt he was an intrinsic part of her life, a life she couldn’t remember without him in it. Her heart ached at the thought that she’d almost lost him. That his last thought would’ve been that she didn’t want him.

“That would not have been my last thought, my only.” Chen’s mouth didn’t move, but his eyes opened. “My last thought would have been of your smile. And the way you laughed while we were in the water. And the way your body looked in the crystal blue waters. I would’ve lingered on that thought for quite awhile.”

Shanti broke into a smile. Then she went to the bed. Chen opened his arms for her. Shanti went into them, gingerly.

“I am nearly healed,” he said, his breath brushing across her forehead, his lips landing at the bridge of her nose. “The algae is working in the energy mines and the ship is nearly healed my wound.”

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