Chapter One

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This story may contain possible triggering content as well as mature themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

Chapter One

Sadly enough, the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left unsaid and never explained. -
Jonathan Harnisch

Amaya held on to her tiny baby kissing him over and over. She was in so much pain. Her husband tried to stay strong for them both, but she knew it was too much for them both to handle. The warmth from her son's body slowly, but surely faded as he became stiff. She prayed to God that somehow his little heart would beat again.

"I love you so much baby. You mean the world to me." She whispers shutting her eyes and allowing her tears to freely fall. Her husband wraps his arms around her and kisses the side of her head softly.

"We love you, Rhys." She whispers as they sit there in the hospital bed cuddling their baby boy.

That was three years ago. Now, at the age of twenty-seven she still mourns the loss of her son. She would and could never forget him. She missed hearing his little feet hit the floor when he'd run away while playing with his father.

Amaya sat on the couch on her phone and scrolled through her social media accounts. She was looking at photos of Rhys and she wiped away a single tear. She also noticed how lots of people were showing off their babies and their older kids and it always reminds her of him. Next to all the pregnancy tests she took only for all to come back negative.

Walking over to the counter she grabbed an apple and sighed to herself. She's always wanted to be a mom and she felt like it was taken away from her. Before taking a bite of the fruit her husband, Isaiah comes in and takes the apple from her hands interrupting her thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?" He questioned and Amaya turns to the fruit bowl taking another apple.

"I just -" She sighed folding her arms and leaning on the marbled counters.

"Talk to me." He says standing at her side and her voice cracks. He immediately knows and he wraps his arms around her.

"It's just so hard. I feel like life is extremely unfair." She cries and he places a kiss on her forehead.

"Hey listen. Our names are on adoption lists. They could call at any given moment. We're going to keep our faith." He gives her a pep talk and she nods wiping her face and placing a kiss on his lips.

"It's gonna happen. Even if it's not in the way we think." He smiles at her and she gives him a smile right back. He was her rock. He was the strongest of them too, but she knew he hurt still. Everyone has feelings and this was something he definitely felt.

"I'm going to take a shower." He mentions as he heads up the stairs.

She nods as a reply. She leaves the kitchen and heads back to the living room. She sighs to herself and shakes her head. Life had a weird way of doing things. She completely put her faith in God. She knew everything was going to be alright. She just felt everything. Amaya always knew she wanted to be a mother, but she knew she would have a hard time doing so when she realized how long and hard her menstrual cycle was.

She was once again snapped out of her thoughts by her phone going off. She looked at the caller I.D and doesn't hesitate to answer it. She answers the phone hopeful. Since it was her Doctor.

Hey Mrs. Carter. It's Doctor SinClaire.
I'm aware. What's going on?
Well, I've got some news for you. Ever heard of IVF?
Yeah. I've heard it's crazy expensive. Insurance doesn't cover that.
It's guaranteed as long as the embryo holds..

Amaya was happy, but where would she find the money from to get this done.. at the same time it was really exciting. Just because it might work. Isaiah walked in watching his wife confused as he couldn't figure what the conversation could be about.

This drug could also give you multiples as well as it can be one baby. I'll put you on a low dosage for now as long as you have your payment. We can put you on a plan if you're unable to pay for it. You can come in if you have any further questions.
I'll come in. Okay. Thank you.

"Was that an adoption agency?" He asked her as he finally moved to where she was sitting. Amaya filled him in on everything she was just told.

"Fertility drugs are really expensive and our insurance doesn't cover IVF." She says and he nods.

"Well how much for one treatment?" He asked and she picks up her phone searching it and showing him the price.

"I have about three times that amount in our shared account. We can do it." Amaya's eyes immediately tear up and she reaches over and pulls him into a hug.

"Thank you." She whispers into his neck still holding on to him.

Their friends had come to visit them later on in the day and Amaya watches from the window with a cup of coffee in hand as her friend, Jasmine comes inside. She hands her the other cup of coffee and she takes it gladly joining beside her at the window.

"So this could be your big break?" Jasmine jokes and Amaya nudges her arm. Cameron ran up and tugged on his mother's clothes and I smile.

"Yeah. This could be it." Amaya answered. "It's crazy expensive so I'm praying it works on the first try." She says up tickling Cam as he giggles and tries to stop from being tickled again.

"I'll definitely pray for you. It'll happen when the time is right. I promise you."

Amaya smiles at her friend's kind words. Her attention falls back to her husband and her best friend's husband as they played their game of basketball.

Isaiah dribbled the ball before taking his shot and it goes clean in the basket. "Yeah, I just want her - us to have a chance to be parents. We're parents to Rhys, but you know what I'm saying. I don't really care how expensive it is." Isaiah admits to his best friend and he nods to indicate that he understood what he was saying.

"I know man. In due time, It'll happen." He says as he catches the ball being passed to him.

Later that night Isaiah and Amaya lay in their bed. Isaiah was turned on his side, but she knew he was awake. He turns on his back shortly after and she finally speaks.

"Can you believe it?" She asked him interlocking their hands together as he brings it to his lips placing a kiss on it. He shut his eyes not moving her hand from his mouth as she places another kiss on it.

"We have the biggest opportunity ahead of us." He replies turning to face her and looking at her as her eyes get glossy.

"It can happen as well as it may not. I can only hope and pray we'll be pregnant and get our miracle baby." She looks at him as he pulls her forward and places a kiss on her forehead.

"It's going to be okay." He whispered

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