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My mom wakes me up at 11:00 but I wish I could just hide in my bed forever.

Today is the reaping for the 71 Hunger Games. I'm 17 years old so I'm still eligible to compete. The Hunger Games are bullshit. What idiot calls putting 24 kids age 12-18 in a arena where they fight to the death, a game.

I go down for breakfast, well more like brunch. I have some stale bread with butter on it. After I finish that up my mom tells my sister and myself to go wash up.

I clean myself in a bucket of cold water, since we don't have warm water like the capitals favourite districts, 1,2 and 4. It's not fair the capital gives them food, warm water and they let them train before the games witch is so not cool. If we try to train before the games we get shot but the capital encourages those three districts to train.

My mom laid out my reaping clothes already for me. She put out a mint green dress that goes just above the knees it has white, gold and blue stars on it. Brown ankle boots, three wooden bracelets and a necklace with an axe on it.

I put my hair in a neat low bun. When I get downstairs I see my 12 year old sister, May siting on our beat up couch. She looks so scared. But everyone is especially on there first reaping. If I got picked I would stand a chance but May would die right away in the blood bath. I sit next to her and put my arm around her. "Hey, it's going to be okay you won't be going into the Games" I tell her "how do you know?" She asks "because if you get reaped I will volunteer for you" I say "no, you can't volunte.." She starts but I cut her off and say "I can and I will" our conversation ends there because we hear the bell ring signalling that it is time to meet in the town square for the reaping.

Our family starts walking to the square. We reach a point where my mom and dad go off with all the other under and over eligible people and May and I go sign in and find our age section.

After a few minutes of waiting, Francesca, our district escort. Walks on the stage with her weird capital look. The has purple hair and a matching purple dress that has different shades of purple flowers on it. And don't even get me started on her makeup.

"Welcome to the 71 annual Hunger Games, now before we start we have a exciting film for you to watch from the capital." Francesca chirps.

I have memorized the entire film, it's about the war and how the Games came to be. It's the same every year.

After the film ends Francesca say "what a lovely film that was, it has come the time to select one male and one female to represent district 7, how about we do ladies first" we always do ladies first but she makes it sound like its something new.

She struts over to the bowl and pulls out a name, she then walks back to the microphone and calls out "Johanna Mason"

It take me awhile to process what's happening but I soon snap back into reality, wait I'm going into the Hunger Games. Oh crap, then I realize I should probable walk up to the stage.

By the time I get there I have decided I am going to pretend to be really weak so nobody will think of me as a threat.

So to go with my act I start bawling my eyes out. I was always the best actress in school so that will pay off.

"Alright settle down Johanna" Francesca says, oh how much I want to punch that clowns face but I have to play weak so I just try and quiet down my crying.

"Now for the men, Luke Wilson"

A 15 year old boy walks up, he tries to look brave but I can tell he is terrified.

"Wonderful, now you to shake hands" Luke puts his hand out and I shake it really lightly so that even he thinks I'm weak.

I might consider telling My mentor Blight that I'm actually strong, fierce and good with an axe.

The peacekeepers drag me into a room so I can say one last goodbye to my family.

My sister is the first to burst through the door she is crying really hard, "shhh, it's ok" I say to try and comfort her but it doesn't work. By this time my mom and dad have entered the room. "You have to win Johanna, please I need you" May says "don't worry I will, I have a plan. And don't be worried about if I get a low score it's part of the plan."

My mom and dad look confused but just nod.

"I love you baby and I always will" my mom says. My dad doesn't say anything he just kisses me on the forehead and gives me a nod.

Peacekeeper come into the room and start to pull my family out, I manage to yell "I love you May, I'll come home for you."

The door slams shut and I'm left alone for a few minutes until a peacekeeper comes and guides my to a car where I hop in and so does Luke and Francesca.

Francesca blabs on and on about how we will love the train but the living quarters at the capital are ten times better. I hate being in the Hunger Games but I've heard the places there are amazing, I'm actually really excited for my room on the train and in the capital.

When we arrive where the train is we board right away and when I see the inside of the train my jaw drops......

Hahahaha cliff hanger.
~Anyways I just started this book and I just wanted some feedback.
~Vote if you liked it and comment if you want to tell me if you liked the chapter or you have some ideas for cuter chapter
~It's 985 words not including this and including this its 1039 words😃

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