A broken heart equals many problems (Part 2)

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When Wei Ying woke up, he felt disoriented for a moment. Where was he? What had happened?

The last thing he remembers is having dinner with the Jiang family and from there ... Oh, he already remembered everything.

He looked around, recognized it as QingQiu's office, surely he was already more than dead, he had just remembered that important thing that he had forgotten:

"Listen to me well Wei Ying – said another doctor named Mu QingFan many years ago – If you feel that your chest hurts, you suddenly feel dizzy or faint immediately notify your aunt Yu, that may mean that you need a new battery, okay?"

"Wei WuXian if you feel any discomfort come here immediately – Shen QingQiu told him when Wei Ying talked with him about his situation one day when he felt about to die – I suppose you have to know your symptoms, but in case you don't know (what which would be very strange to me), they are the following: dizziness, fainting, pain in your chest, pulsation, pain or swelling in the area of ​​the operation. If you forget this, get ready, your friend Wen Qing is teaching me how use your needles."

– Well, I'm already more than dead – Wei Ying said – Sleepy time again! – He said covering himself with the sheet he had, but at that very moment QingQiu entered and took it off.

– Don't even think you're going to sleep brat lazy! Do you know how worried the Jiang brothers and Mrs Yu were as soon as they realized that you didn't wake up with anything? – shouted Shen QingQiu – I just will not kill you right now because all MY surgery work would be a waste! You are a fucking irresponsible! Why didn't you come immediately after you almost passed out at the hospital entrance!? You have to think more about yourself, think about your life, silly boy!! If you do that again, I swear to you that I will use the needles that your dear Qing-Jie gave me the last time she came and...!

Well, by this time Wei Ying was already done in a little ball on his stretcher and he was shaking a little in fear, after about 30 minutes Shen QingQiu stopped scolding him, and calmed down a little, just a little.

– And well? How do you feel? – he asked sitting in one side.

– I think I feel good? – he said afraid that Shen QingQiu would yell at him again.

– What discomforts do you have right now? – he said trying not to show his anger.

– I feel like I went around a thousand times in circles, so Sleepy time! – he said lying down without a sheet.

– That is because you just woke up from anesthesia, this time I had to replace the whole pacemaker instead of just the battery, therefore I had to use more anesthesia. Now, can you explain to me when and why you fucking got a magnet in your shirt?

– A what? – Wei Ying said in surprise.

– A magnet. You know very well that you shouldn't put magnets near your pacemaker – said QingQiu with a threatening tone.

– I clearly know – Wei Ying said with a frown – Why do you think I move away from the speakers? I'll be forgetful, but I clearly remember that a magnet can stop this device – he said pointing to the seam on his chest, noticing at the same time that, indeed, the wound this time was bigger.

– Doesn't it have anything to do with that thing? – Shen Jiu said hoping that Wei Ying would grasp what he was referring to.

– I highly doubt that, whoever has been chasing me the last 20 years, knows about my condition – Wei Ying said when he understood what Shen QingQiu was referring to – The only people who know are you and aunt Yu.

– Nobody else?

– I already told you no – Wei Ying replied and QingQiu raised an interrogative eyebrow – Weeell, in fact there is someone else, but I very much doubt that I would give you that information.

I Don't Know How to Search for You (Voz de mí, translation to english)Where stories live. Discover now