The day it all went downhill (Part 2)

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After reacting completely from the shock he just had, he called Luo Binghe to do what Shen QingQiu told him, otherwise he will have an hour or more of scolding for not paying attention to what he told him to do.

-Well?- Binghe asked.

-Hehe, Binghe-ge, Are you unoccupied?

-If it is to accompany you in your job, don't worry, they sent me to accompany you A-Xian.

-Uh? And who sent you? - WuXian asked a little surprised.

-Shizun sent me to take care of A-Xian today- he said proudly.

-Hehe, it's fine, then I'll wait for you at the event place Binghe-ge- he said about to hang up the call.

-Do you know where it is?- Binghe asked.

-...- at that moment Wei Ying remembered that they had not told him where the event was going to be.

-Hahaha, your silence tells me everything A-Xian. I'll send you the location by message, just give me a moment.

-Hehe- laughed a little embarrassed Wei Ying- thanks Binghe.

-There's no problem WuXian.

Binghe sent him the location and Wei Ying go first to the place.

-So, Shizun, to verify that I heard correctly, My mission is that A-Xian does not meet Lan WangJi in that place? - Binghe asked.

-Yes, if it is possible both of you must leave half an hour or an hour before the end of the event. In the end they will announce the engagement between the Lan Company and the XianLe kingdom, if I am not mistaken - Shen Yuan replied.

-But aren't there be the engagement announcement posters about Xie I don't know what with Lan WangJi?- Binghe asked raising an eyebrow with a worried tone.

-As far as I know, those posters are going to be in Japanese, and Wei Ying doesn't know speak in Japanese, he only knows to speak in English and Chinese.

-Well, that may be good, but ...

-No buts Binghe, Wei Ying must not know unless that Lan tells him.

-But Shizun, What about the Jiang family? Are they not going to find out? Remember that they are going to broadcast it live on all channels in England and Japan.

-If they find out, it will be their problem- spoke a third voice.

The two people who were speaking jumped in place and turned to see the newcomer.

- A-Jiu - Shen Yuan greeted.

-Shen ... Shishu- Binghe greeted a little too forced.

Shen QingQiu only sent Binghe a murderous look before continuing.

-Sooner or later Wei WuXian will have to find out, no matter how much you try to hide it, the truth will always come out. Also, A-Yuan, I had already told you to stop getting into other people's problems- he said fanning himself and giving his brother an angry look.

-But, A-Jiu, we just want Wei Ying not to suffer so much, we want to give him the news in a gentle way. Although I hardly make it notice, I care a lot about A-Ying and I would not bear to see him suffer because of a political agreement- Shen Yuan said, covering his face with a fan so that his red face would not be seen.

-And you don't think you are hurting him more in that case, Shen Yuan? -Asked looking his brother into his eyes- All of you have been hiding this from him for two years in a row, don't you think that will make the news harder for him?

I Don't Know How to Search for You (Voz de mí, translation to english)Where stories live. Discover now