Chapter 19 - The First Crawl And Sad News

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Galaxy's P.O.V.

I was sitting in the kitchen with Cassiopeia in my arms who was sleeping. Mother was in her room sleeping, Severus was out shopping for suits with Lucius, Goyle, Crabbe, Zabini, Nott and Cosmos, Reggie was in the living room with Cyrus reading to him. I hear the front door open and then close. I hear talking then footsteps coming closer.

Soon the door opens to reveal Bella and Cissy with Draco in her arms. "Hey. How are you guys?" I ask my cousins. "I'm good. I'm fantastic." Bella and Narcissa said. They sit down across from me and I lay Cass down on the blanket I put down on the floor. We talked about random things when Bella looked shocked at something behind me. "What? What's wrong?" I ask. 

I look behind me and gasp. Because I see Cass crawling around. "Reggie get in here!!" I yell and I hear footsteps running. The door opens to reveal Reggie looking panicked. "What happened?" He asks and I point towards Cass. He looks at her and gasp. He puts Cyrus on the blanket and after he walks away he starts to crawl after his sister.

I gasp and soon the door opens to reveal the boys. Before I can say something Severus notices Cyrus and Cass crawling. He went wide-eye and walked over to me. He sits next to me while watching the two of them. "Where is Cosmos?" I ask. "I put him down for a nap." He answered. I walk over to my babies and picked up Cyrus and Sev picks up Cass.

"Let's go put them down for a nap. I'll be back." I said walking out the room with Severus behind me. We walk in the room and I walk over to Cyrus's crib and set him down before kissing his head. I walk out the room to my mothers room. I knock on the door getting no answer. "Mother? Mother, are you in?" I ask putting my hand on the doorknob. I look to Severus who looks to me confused. "Mother?" I ask again. I walk in to see mother on the bed asleep, so I walk over to her side of the bed and gently shake her.

When she doesn't stir I look to Severus who looks at me scared. "Have Bella or Narcissa owl their parents." I order and he runs out the room. I panic and I feel arms hug me and I fall into the arms. "Hey its okay." I hear Severus say. Soon mother's door opens and in comes aunt Druella and uncle Cygnus with St. Mungos nurses behind them. They go over to check her and motion someone to take us out of the room. I sit down in the kitchen with the others except aunt Druella and uncle Cygnus were with the doctors. 

"She'll be okay Alex." Bella said trying to get me to calm a little. "I need something to hold." I said in a whisper but they heard me. "Go get, Cyrus." I hear Severus whisper to Reggie. Soon he comes back with Cyrus in his arms and he hands me my son. I calm down and hold Cyrus close to me. Soon the door opens to reveal my aunt, uncle and the nurses who look sad. 

"What's wrong with my mother?" I ask. "Um, dear the reason she didn't respond was because she died in her sleep." Uncle Cygnus answered. I hand Cyrus to Reggie who took him out of the room and I fall to my knees crying. "She had a sickness that we could cure so I'm guessing she didn't tell you." The nurse said and I nod. Severus comes over to me and he holds me in his arms. "Hey, she's in a better place now. She'll be with your father." Severus whispers to me.

I nod not finding words and I hear aunt Druella leading the nurses out. Bella comes over to me and hugs me. "Do you want me to make you some tear dear?" Aunt Druella asks and I nod. I sit down in my chair and soon a cup of tea is put in front of me. I drink all of it and soon I feel myself getting tired. I felt myself being picked up and was taken up the stairs. I'm put into my bed and I feel a kiss on my head. "I love you, Little Dove." I hear before I fall asleep.

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