Struck by Haters

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Under the dating articles, Mark's fans flooded the comment section with hate comments. 

"She isn't worthy of him."

"She should be embarrassed."

"There is no way he is dating her! "

"Mark betrayed us."

Although Mark's entertainment denied the dating allegations, his fans continued to comment on her face, body, weight, age, work, and more. 

Seungwan read what the anonymous users had to say and took the critiques to heart. Mark called her, and before she took the call, she took a deep breath and feigned happiness. 

"Hello, Mark! I was just about to call you. What's up?"

"I wanted to apologize about my fans. I mean, if they were really my fans, they would support me. I don't know why they're so possessive. I can date if I want to. Anyway, they left a bunch of mean comments, so don't read any of them. If you've already read them, then pay no mind to their insults. They're just projecting their insecurities onto you."

"Don't worry about me, Mark. I hope this gets settled quickly. I don't want this to affect your music."

"I'm sure my fans will come around. In the meantime, remember how charming you are. Your emails intrigued me, and you were the best tour guide. You're also prettier than the artwork we saw in the museum and gallery."

Seungwan giggled. "Again, don't worry about me. Go on with your day, Mark. We can call at another time." 

After she hung up, she skimmed the hate comments. Her eyes became watery, and tears streamed down her face. 

Maybe his fans were right. I'm so average. 

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