Struck by a Reply

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A new email alert popped up on Mark's laptop. He checked the message. It was a reply from Seungkwan! Excitedly, he clicked on the email. After reading it, he realized he made a grave mistake. He typed the wrong email, so the recipient was not Seungkwan after all.

Mortified, he replied to the email promptly. 



Sent: January 22, 2022 at 8:31 pm 

Subject: Reply to "Flying to Seoul"

Hello Seungwan. I apologize for the mix-up. I should've checked whether I sent the email to the right person. I'm older than my friend and have gotten with the times, so I prefer texting via my phone for a quicker response. He, on the other hand, is glued to his computer and checks his email more frequently. 

Thank you so much for replying! I will type the 'k' to the email. Crazy how I excluded just one letter and the email was still valid. Usually when I send the wrong email, it notifies me when the recipient doesn't exist.

Thanks again,

After sending the apology email, he emailed his friend Seungkwan.



Sent: January 22, 2022 at 8:48 pm

Subject: I'm coming home, so start using your phone!

Seungkwan, you turned me into a fool! I have to contact you through email since you never reply to my texts, and I sent the wrong email just because I didn't type in 'k.' So, someone named Seungwan knows that I'm flying to Seoul. They also know your name is Seungkwan and that you're old-school. Thanks for that. 

Anyway, tell me where we should meet on your phone! I booked a flight for January 30. I should arrive in Seoul on January 31.

I hate you,

Just as he emailed Seungkwan, he received an email from Seungwan. 



Sent: January 22, 2022 at 8:53 pm

Subject: Reply to "Flying to Seoul"

No worries, Mark! I have had my fair share of wrong emails. For me, the emails exist, so I hardly get hit with the notification that the email cannot be sent. I've learned to not be embarrassed because it's an easy mistake. 

I hope you were able to reach Seungkwan. It's kind of fascinating how we have a similar email. If I receive your email intended for your friend again, I'll happily reply to correct you!

P.S. Where in Seoul are you planning on staying? I know a few good places since I've been living here for a while. 


Meanwhile, Seungkwan answered his email. 



Sent: January 22, 2022 at 8:55 pm

Subject: Reply to "I'm coming home, so start using your phone!"

Man, this is hilarious. You couldn't even get my email right? Email me more often so you don't make the same mistake. Or, you know, check the name. 

I refuse to text you on my phone when I can just use my computer. I'll meet you at the airport and then we can crash at my place. 

Hopefully Seungwan isn't a creep since you disclosed your location and my identity. Imagine if she was one of your crazy fans. 

Hate you more,

Mark was going to reply to Seungwan, but Seungkwan's email scared him. He decided to answer her tomorrow morning because he wanted to sleep. However, it was hard for him to sleep since he kept thinking about the email. 

Starstruck [MarkDy] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now