Big Brother Zed

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After telling Chloe a bedtime story or I mean the curse I had decided to go to the garden. I was surprised to find Melissa there asleep on a chair.

*Time skip to after telling Zed the story*

She finished talking and we had made it to her room. I opened her door and tucked her in.
"I'm not sleepy", said Melissa
"Well you have to go to sleep", I replied.
"But I slept like for 120 years ago!", she over exhausted.
"You're not even 16 years old.", I said.
"How about this if you promise not to tell anyone I will bring take you on a stroll?", I said trying to reason with her.
"Okay!", she said eagerly.
I picked her up and saw confusion on her face.
"Did you think I'd let you be walking at night, you're tiny and I if you get lost it'll be too hard to find you.", I teased.

While I was exiting the room with my youngest sister. I see a sword at my neck and see Chester.
"Can't you lower your sword?", I said.
"Where are you taking her at this hour?", Chester said an in annoyed tone.
"I can't sleep so brother Jed said a stroll would get me to sleep.",said Melissa in a very innocent voice.
Good job kid, he'll totally fall for it!
"Alright then but where were you at dinner time?", Chester asked.
"Well I wen to the garden on the west side and fell asleep on a chair and I woke up by Zed carrying me to bed.", Melissa continued.
Melissa you can be an actor and fool people.
"Well then as I see you skipped dinner would you like some left overs that are in the kitchen?", Chester asked.
"Yes please! But can we go for a stroll after wards?", Melissa said.
"Of course!", I jumped in.
I then realized that I was receiving a death glare from Chester.

Oh well too late Chester! Would you really want to break this little actress's heart? That's right didn't think so . When we arrived at the kitchen we decided to get her something like a snack so she'd be able to get to sleep faster. We grabbed her some cookies and milk. While she ate it in the dining room I started to tease her.

Melissa POV

"STOP IT BROTHER ZED!",I said furiously.
"You guys are getting too loud.", said Chester.
"Are you done Melissa?", Zed said.
"Yes!", I exclaimed.
Chester then started to carry me. Since I got here I was being carried around a lot I honestly felt uncomfortable with it in the beginning, but after two weeks I had gotten used to it.

*Time skip*

Even after the stroll I wasn't tired at all. "Are you going to sleep Zed?", I said curiously. "No, I shall not I have some duties with the knights at the moment.", he said. "Well then can I come I promise to be have!", I said in a whiny voice. " I have no problem with that, but only if Chester agrees.", he said slyly. "No, I don't trust Zed to take care of you at this hour in the dark while teaching some knights.", Chester said. "Are you going to be in your study all night long then?", I asked. "Yes, there's paperwork and contracts I need to view.", Chester said. "So can I be there?", I said.




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