Our Savior

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Melissa POV
I was scared, why wouldn't I be. Wednesday and I were going to die in the hands of this disgusting man. Then men barged the door down. The man we call master said those men were royal guards. I heard one of them who stood out say we found you. Another of the guards said they came just in time. The man who'll I assume is their leader or somethings told Jon Kayle to drop his weapon. He looked at Wednesday and said she was blonde. He honestly didn't even pay attention that I was there. I didn't care as long as I didn't die I was fine. He went up to her and looked at her eyes she then tried to hide them say it upsets people who look at them I can vouch I have the same eyes. He starts calming her done and etc. The prince or whatever bring a really cute stuffie that not going to lie was kinda jealous of. She took it but then not a second later she tried to give it back to him. Her eyes changed colors to a green. So did the prince so now I was really confused. He called her a princess and yea. He starts getting really worried for her and yea then the prince approaches Theron guy who tried to kill us earlier. Then he says the girls eyes were originally blue then the guy says she had gotten sick and her eyes were red so he thought it was a side effect as I also had the disease. LIKE WHY BRING ME INTO THIS?!?! The prince goes to me he looks at me and said that I do have platinum blonde hair like him. I just stood there silently probably looking dumb. He asked what would make me happy. I just felt so anxious that I think my eyes turned from red to green . Because he just looked at me and said that I really was his sister.
"Are we twins?",said Wednesday.
"It seems like it.",said the prince thing a grin.

*Time skip to the next day*

I woke up next to Wednesday. Shortly after I felt anxious and my eyes turned green, Sunday came and I have no idea what happened to him now. I realize that the prince's cape was on Wednesday and I. I carefully got down and put the blanket down on her. The carriage was very nice even if it had a few scratches. I thought to myself that maybe I should wake up Wednesday, but as if on cue she woke up. She greeted me and greeted her. She acted very friendly to me and asked me a lot of stuff. I told her my favorite color, favorite day of the week, and favorite chore. While in slavery we only got bread and water. I always shared my food with slaves who were younger or had work that day. In reality even though Wednesday and I were both visibly underweight I weighed less. All of a sudden she got up and dropped the highnesses cape. I quickly grabbed and put it on the other seat. We hear Collin a royal guard who has brown hair call and ask if everything's okay. Wednesday said yes and we all greeted each other. He looked at the seat and asked why the cape was here. We said it was there when we woke up. He turned around then chuckled a bit. He told us his highness had covered us thinking we could get cold.
"But I dropped it on the floor.",said Wednesday.
"I put it on the chair it was only on the floor for a bit don't worry Wednesday!",I exclaimed. She has to learn not to be so sensitive!
Collin told us that it's fine if we covered in the mud though we'd still get a scolding. He also told us that his youngest sibling has covered the cape in mud many times before.
"Now then, shall we go to breakfast?", said Collin.
We were given really soft white bread and soup it looked so good, but Wednesday said that it was too good and she didn't deserve it and in the end she BARELY ATE IT! I on the other hand ate my food. This may be a selfish thing to say about my twin sister, but she's way too sensitive and kinda spoiled. What I mean is she will keep complimenting the food and then not eat a lot this continued on a lot of times. Before we made it to the castle it was magnificent we were moved to a different carriage on the way it was so pretty I felt like royalty! Oh wait I am technically. When we got there we were carried by prince Chester. We had a note from the king I was taught how to read while being a slave due to the disgusting man wanting me to read out his work on my days. I read it and it said that my name or was Wednesday's name is Chloe. The prince read it to Wednesday and I.
"But which one of us will be Chloe?", Wednesday asked.
"You can be Wednesday I am too used to Sunday either way.", I said.
"That will be fine for now, but I will send out a letter to his majesty to see what your name will be.", Chester said.
Wed..I mean Chloe was crying she was so happy to have a name that it was kinda sad. I never really cared about my name Sunday to me was pretty and I was fine with it.
*Time skip*
Not to my surprise there was only one room prepared. I honestly did want to keep it, but to my surprise Chloe asked for the room to be hers so she got the room. They did make one very similar in a room that was nearer to the prince's study. Chloe's room is closer to Chesters bedroom while mine is right by his study. I could tell Chloe kinda wanted to switch, but didn't want to be rude.
*Skip to the next day*
When we had breakfast Chloe refused to eat her food without the prince. I was now wondering how I was less weight then her. The prince came and practically babied her. He asked if we wanted anything.

"Thank you brother Chester. But I don't need anything!", I said to be quite frank with you I still felt uncomfortable around him.

"Well can you name Sunday?", said Chloe.
"What?", said Prince Chester I could tell there was disbelief in his eyes.
*Time skip to the next month*
We received a letter from the king announcing my name would be Melissa in the letter it said that Lady Erika, our mother wanted to name the child she birthed that, but decided on Chloe. Chloe had dragged me to meet her friend who I'd kinda forgotten about. When we barged in; correction when Chloe barged in she was met with a surprise to see him cleaning the floors. I saw my chance and so I walked out I made sure Collin didn't realize either.
I went over to the garden it was very beautiful. I spotted a nearby seat and sat down. When I woke up I found myself being carried. It wasn't Collin or Chester so who could it be?

"W-who are you?", I asked shyly.
"Oh, you're awake! I'm your second oldest brother Zed!", he shouted more than said.
"I'm Melissa.", I said.
"Of course I know who you are I already met Chloe and sent her back to bed.", he paused.
"I'm surprised no one noticed you here you probably are going to catch a cold in the morning.", he finished worriedly.
"Thank you brother Zed!", I said
"I know Collin takes care of Chloe who's your body guard?", he said.
"Well Collin takes care of both Chloe and me during the day but because I'm next door to Chester's study I'm guessing it was good enough.", I finished.






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