Chapter 2: Andrew Gets Cozy

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He waited and waited, until he heard footsteps. the door burst open, and there he was. Connor himself, in all of his glory. his tight jeans, heavy boots, thick black leather sleeveless jacket, and tight t shirt underneath, that revealed some underbelly. and a treasure trail! he took off his sunglasses and put on his usual glasses. Connor wore glasses? who knew! "hey hey! your the lucky winner eh? congratulations! hows the nose?" he asked shutting the door behind him. "Uah.. it's.. it's fine.." He stammered, clutching the VIP pass tightly in his hand. He felt adrenaline rush through him as he was standing before his idol. Connor! The Connor! Andrew knew he looked like a hot mess, he participated earlier in a mosh pit during the concert. His hair was frizzed and he smelt like sweat, weed, and other odd people smells. "I-I.. thank, thank you! For giving me this opportunity!" He laughed nervously, suddenly finding his voice.

"hey no problem! your the lucky fella that caught the pass after all!" he said, sitting down beside him. his hair was done back in a ponytail, which he pulled loose. he used his shirt to wipe the sweat from his forehead. "phew! its fuckin crazy out there man, bein a rockstar is like... full time gig shit! never thought id see myself doin this. so anyways! enough about me whats your name?"

Andrew managed to catch a glimpse of Connor's belly as he pulled up his shirt to wipe the sweat off of him. Oh yeah, he had a full on chubby dad bod, alright. "M-my name is Andrew um, friends call me Andy or Ann, sometimes Annie but um- You c-can call me whatever you want-! W-whatever variation w-works best!" He fidgeted nervously, feeling embarrassment creeping up his spine. 'Way to go Ann, already fucking things up! Classic.' He thought to himself, dragging his fingertip over the edge of the pass. Connor looked at him funny for a moment, then he laughed. he put his arm around Andrew's shoulder and pulled him to his side, laughing some more. "geez Ann.... you really gotta unwind a bit! i get it your a huge fan and im meee, but you can chillax! as far as i see it we're buddies! we can just hang out! besides my next gig is in a week and i usually do lots of drugs and eat during that time so, fuck it we could hang out!" he then snapped his fingers. "awww shit yknow what i could fuckin kill for? burgers! wanna stick around here or head out n hit the town?"

"B-buddies?" Everything else completely flew over his head. For the next while Andrew would become Connor's new Yes Man as he rode out his high. "SURE LETS GO EAT BURGERS!!" He exclaimed, feeling his heart race with adrenaline. Going out to get burgers with his favorite singer of all time! Who woulda thought?! "I-I'll pay! Please, I insist! I-It's the least I can do for you!" "awe geez, if you insist! but i hope you know a burger binge aint nothin on my wallet!" he said, standing up. he swapped his glasses for his shades. "righto buddy! you wanna pick the place?" he said, pulling Andrew to his feet. "cmon we can take an Uber or something! or your car if thats more convenient, ooorrr my party bus~" he said giving a sly smile.

"P-party bus sounds nice!" He grinned awkwardly, fixing his crooked glasses. Andrew had a huge dorky grin on his face, and he continued to wear it all the way until he got lead to the party bus. It, well, quite frankly it was the biggest and most extravagant bus he'd ever seen. It was one of Connor's tour buses, but it seems this one was used for, yknow parties. Upon entering the bus, Andrew was hit with a thick stench of weed and alcohol. At the very back of the bus there was a door that lead to a bedroom that was labeled in big red letters "DA FUCK ROOM". Stripper poles were lined up and down the row, and despite the stench, it looked pretty clean. Connor's staff must keep a good check on the bus.

"you may think those poles are for strippers but iiii use em~" he teased, banging on a window to the driver's cabin. "AYE! uhhh, take us to uh, where ya wanna go Ann?" he asked before digging in a drawer. he took out a rather sizeable blunt and a lighter from his pocket. he didnt hesitate to light it up and take a long drag. he then held it out to Andrew. "wanna hit man? its strong as fuck-*COUGH COUGH* oh excuse me.." he then sat down, patting a spot beside him. "cmon, siddown~"

"U-uh, 278th avenue, um.. Bankok street.. turn left until you see the entrance to Chinatown.. yes I know he said burgers just- trust me." Andrew felt very overwhelmed but, he liked it. The driver shrugged his shoulders and started the drive. Andrew sat down soon after, leaving at least a foot and a half of space between the two. A billow of smoke soon emveloped him and he coughed, waving his hands in the air. "A-ah, don't uh, smoke. Well, never have to be honest! L-lame I know, weeds j-just super expensive!" He tucked the pass into his front jean pocket. Finding himself with nothing to fidget with, he focused on messing around with the rings on his fingers.

"well you can start now if ya want~ it helps me keep up with my fuckin wicked crazy appetite!" he laughed, taking another long drag. "Andrew, im gonna be honest with you! your real down to earth an i like that in a guy! how do you stay so humble and peaceful all the time? its like, fuckin wicked!" he asked, as he grabbed a beer bottle and cracked it open. the party never stopped for Connor. Slightly taken aback by the sudden compliment, he gave him a smile. "Um, I'll think about it. T-thanks." He looked down at his hands. "Usually I'm uh, a bit more outgoing but um, I'm kinda sitting next to a huge idol of mine while he tokes back a joint and cracks open a beer s-so, I dunno! N-nervous and wantin' to be polite I as..assume!"

he paused, listening to his words. he wasn't really high yet so, he could actually comprehend what he was saying. he laughed a bit, feeling embarrassed. "ah.. im sorry if im, well yknow, me, i know i can be explosive and excitable, its just how ive been livin for the past 2 years! im sorry if i spooked ya, or... intimidated you, shouldnt treat a guest, a friend no less, like that." he set the beer down and put the joint in an ash tray. "N-No!" He waved his hands as a gesture. "That's why I like you so much! Your personality- Just, you're so confident and exciteable and I reallylookuptoyou!" He rushed his words on the last part of his sentence, feeling heat rise up to his chubby cheeks. "I-It's truly an honour to be seated here with my biggest idol of my entire college life!"

he couldnt help but smile. Andrew was a real sweetheart. he was adorable! but he wasnt someone Connor could just, rush to the bedroom and fuck his brains out. it felt wrong in a sense. he wanted to spend more quality time with him. "well... thats awful sweet of you Ann, i appreciate that a lot~ i wont forget those words!" he then picked back up the joint and took another long drag. "and i never, forget important words~ s'how i write my songs~" the bus then came to a stop. "ah! fuck yeah! we're here! lead the way Ann!"

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