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Light swept through the room, shinning a warm glow against all it touched. The rays of the sun shone between the shattered pieces of glass still inside the window and the shredded drapes that clung to the wall.

(Y/N) had been laying in the cot for a few hours now, just watching as the suns light changed through the hours. Their body shifted to watch the broken glass on the floor reflected beautifully against the cracked walls and peeling paint. They moved, their feet slapping against the ground with glass sticking into their feet once more. (Y/N) never minded the wounds even when standing on their feet.

  They treaded slowly, running their hand against the worn walls approaching the window. The glass was mostly gone so wind blew through. Warm and smelling on rotten wood, the stench may have been horrendous but it was something (Y/N) admired.

  It was their first time smelling such a thing. The shredded drapes swayed with the wind but were slowly pushed out of the way by their hand. The sun was bright yet casted a beautiful light on everything it touched.

  (Y/N)'s eyes lit up seeing the glorious rays that the morning brought. That wonderful feeling was soon gone as a creaking of the floor boards alerted (Y/N).

  Their head quickly turned. Eyes narrowing and a low warning growl erupted. The door nob slowly turned and the hinges made an eerie sound that ringed in (Y/N)'s ears. A large black shoe emerged from the bottom of the way and a familiar scent wafted in.


  (Y/N)'s guard was swiftly demolished as Chrollo came out of the dim doorway.

"Good morning (Y/N). Sleep well?" He said in a gentle voice upon seeing them in a slightly defensive stance. (Y/N) quickly straightened up their hunched figure and nodded with a small hum. "I'm glad."

He strides toward them examining the room (Y/N) has slept in the night before.

  "I thought I told them to take care of you." He whispered under his breath almost as if he thought (Y/N) couldn't hear him.

  "They really did, this was just the only available room." They spoke out drifting off, complete distracted by a small bird flying across the never ending sky. Their admiration for the birds freedom out weighted their envy. If only (Y/N) could be free.

  "Please follow me." Chrollo said extending his arm to them. (Y/N) took it in a second yet they thought bodies were supposed to be warm. Confusion struck them as they squeezed his arm to try and make sense of his coolness. (He be pretty cool huh?)

Chrollo winced as (Y/N) checked over his arm for the warmth of a human. He slowly took off their hands, retracting back from them in a slow polite manner. (Y/N) looked from his arm to his face, confusion washing over.

  He rolled up his sleeve to inspect his now steaming arm. Small sears littered the area (Y/N) had been touching just a few second ago.

  Their eyes widened with concern seeing the red scorch marks they had caused from just a touch. Thoughts raced through their head.

'What happened?'

  'Why is Boss hurt?'

'Did I do that..'

'I hurt him'

'I..I did that'

(Y/N)'s brain was running a million miles a second. Their body started shaking and they started backing up, tears welling in their eyes.

"What have I done.." they whispered to themselves. (Y/N)'s mouth gaped open and moved as if words would come out yet there were no words.

Chrollo looked at (Y/N) realizing that was happening. He immediately covered the burn and went to reach out to them.

"Don't touch me!" (Y/N) yelled as screams could be heard outside.


Words: 654
Thank you for reading, until next time.

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