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"Meteor city..I've never been introduced to this place. This isn't going to go well is it?" A4KVV3 thought as they walked through the dimly lit streets of the sketchy city. They looked around as many figures shifted in the shadows as if they were circling them. "This can't be good."

A4KVV3 kept walking as they wrapped their arms around them to keep warm from the cold that engulfed them through their thin clothes. Whispers could be heard from the shadows, though someone in particular saw potential in the tiny thing yet many started, not at its main body but what was on their back.

"They look at me like I'm the monster..." A4KVV3 thought as the continued to wander through the small city of shifty lowlifes, never given the chance to be something more than what they were born to be. Suddenly someone tapped them on the shoulder and A4KVV3 jumped, slowly turning around like those horror movies they've heard so much about.

"I'm sorry Miss, I had no intention of scaring you." The tall man; who was quite handsome with his black slightly messy hair and beautiful eyes, spoke smoothly as he slung his suit jacket around the person. "I notice you were wearing a hospital gown and I couldn't just stand by as you wandered showing your privates to everyone."

Their face heated up as they realized their clothing was like a hospital gown. "O-Oh thank you so much." They muttered as they further wrapped the coat around themself. The man guided the person to a small coffee shop. The one place in the city that was remotely decent.

"Oh I never introduced myself, I am Chrollo Lucifer and who might you be?"


"How odd." He slightly chuckled, looking at the person with a warm aura. "I can tell; you truly aren't joking. Well then we'll just have to give you a name. Ah I've found the perfect name." Chrollo spoke as he looked at a small flower shop that had been abandoned for years.

"You will be (Y/N)."


342 words!

Now I promise you will meet Feitan next chapter. Theres just so much I have planned and I just lied in the first chapter. Whoops

How Cruel (Feitan x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें