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  Illumi turned back around to where they were standing and saw they had now fallen off of the airship. He knew it was a bad idea to bring the airship with a huge balcony yet Illumi just shrugged and turned away.

  If they were dead, it wouldn't matter if he took them home or not so he just let them fall to their impending death. However, A4KVV3 was smarter than that. They had learned a lot about many topics and one of those being birds.

  Try as they might, they could barely get their wings to move as they were swept back from the wind. Suddenly, they remembered they once saw a bird diving to capture food so that was what they would do.

  A4KVV3 slowly wrapped their wings around them, causing them to speed up their fall. They thought if they opened them at the right moment, they may be able to glide down.

  "This is so stupid..I wanted to die in a cool way. How can this be counted as cool!! Screw that Illumi guy for letting me fall! I'll show him t can survive!" They angrily thought as the ground was approaching at an alarming rate.

  They paused their thoughts for thinking about anything else but living was not an option at the moment. With a scream and an 'oh shit'; A4KVV3 opened their wings and were swung back as if they had opened a parachute.

  They were actually doing well! If it kept going like this, they'd most certainly make it but the tree that just snuck up on them and nagged their foot had other plans.

  "Oh no..oh no oh no oh no oh no!" A4KVV3 yelled as they started falling from limb to limb breaking some along the way. Finally they hit the dirty ground with many scratches, scrapes and already forming bruises.

  "Owww." They muttered to themself as they pushed up from the ground and dusting the dirt off the them. "I'm already so sore. How do people deal with this pain."

  As A4KVV3 got to their feet, they held onto the trees for dear life while walking through the foliage yet all the green died down quickly as they saw a city as a tiny dot of light in the dusk.

  They slowly started to be able to walk without the trees, stumbling a few times; A4KVV3 made to the city in the middle of the night. They walked in through trash and mounds of dirt to see large words in lights.

"Meteor City..?"

424 words
I hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading! The reader will soon meet Feitan. Sorry it's taken so long!

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