4. Rude husband

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(Mistakes are there ! )


3rd person's pov :

"What does he think ? I do care ? I fucking don't ! It's his brother's marriage . So , it's his loss if he wears a fucking unmatching clothes in the wedding !" Beam stabs his meat with the fork .

Pha chews his food slowly while looking at the meet . They are now sitting in the foodcourt of medical faculty . Kit is ordering his food . And Beam is cursing Forth .

"I will go with mom and buy the most beautiful suit for me , you just see ."

Beam huffs .

"He is still going on ?" Kit whispers to Pha as he sits beside him with food .

Pha stops chewing "it's his 59th time saying that he doesn't care ."

"What are you guy whispering ?" Beam glares at Pha .

"Nothing ! Nothing !" Pha shakes his head .

"You better ! " Beam rolls his eyes .

"Beam .. calm down . Forth will buy his own suit after he finishes his extra class . " kit tries to cheer Beam up .

Pha hits his forehead mentally . Beam just stopped whining five seconds ago !

"There is no fucking extra class ! He was just making excuses for that Sweeetu ! I know him very well . He is an asshole . " Beam retorts .

"Sweeetu ?" Kit frowns "oh ! That chubby girl who lives beside Forth dorm in engineering faculty ? She is sweet ....

"She Lives Beside Forth's Dorm ?" Beam shouts .

"Yes ! And you shouldn't be bothered with her !" Pha replies coldly this time "why are you getting so worked up , Beam ?"

"What do you mean by .......

"I mean if Forth is not going to buy a suit with you then you should be happy . He is doing something to prevent this marriage . Isn't it ?" Pha cuts Beam's words . .

Beam frowns in disbelieve . He wants to retort Pha but he is geting the excat words . He looks at Kit for support .

Kit nods at Beam "yes Beam ! Pha is right ! Forth is helping you finally ."

Beam frowns harder . "You guys are supporting him ? Who is your friend me or Forth ?"

It's not about supporting ! It's a fact . Forth is not going to buy matching suit with you because .....

"Because ... He Has Extra Classes ! NOTHING ELSE !!!" Beam slams the bench while standing up .

Pha sighs "Beam , what do you want ? You want to marry Forth ?"

Beam glares at Pha "I am not talking about that Pha . Leave it . You will not understand ."


"Where is your head hazer ?" Beam asks a random girl as soon as he enters the engineering faculty .

The girl blinks "umm ... I don't know .."

Beam frowns . He was about to shout when he eyes falls on Lam .

"Ai Laaaammmm !!"

Beam shouts .

Lam turns at Beam . "Oh .. Hi ! Beam ."
Lam jogs towards Beam . "What are you doing here at this hour ?"

Beam ignores Lam's question . He came here as soon as his classes ends . He wants to check what is Forth's extra class .

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