1. bad husband

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3rd person's pov :

Ouch !

Forth breaks a twig which hit his arm on his way "Beam why am I entering my own house like a thief ?" He whispers .

"Sushhh ! We need to listen to their talks for a full proof plan . " Beam whispers back .

Forth sighs .

"Don't give me your 'he-is-crazy' type of sigh Forth .. I am doing it for both of us ." Beam hisses "now let me listen !"

Forth sighs again . He looks at their hanging position in front of the glass door . "If your legs hurt and you can't walk , I am not gonna carry you after that ."

"Sussshhhhhh ! They are talking about us ."


"I asked Beam to come here .. but that spoiled brat . God knows where he is .." Beam's mother , Ersia huffs .

"Leave it Sia .. Forth is not here either ." Forth's mother Mary shakes her head .

"But don't we need tell them before pairing them together ?"

"What's there to tell them .. come on ! We are already family .. " Bek , Beam's father replies .


Forth frowns . "What does they mean by they don't need to tell us ?"

Beam huffs "I told you so . I know my parents . I didn't even know , I am in medical faculty when they dropped me at CU in my first day of college ."

" Huh ?" Forth whispers "didn't you protest ?"

"Nah ! I once said to them that I love biology and want to be a nurse .. in childhood . And I still stick to that .. soo .." Beam whispers back .

"Stick to what ? being nurse ?"

"Think with your brain , Forth . Be a doct.... ."


" Let's go outside ... garden is better place for gossip !!! "


Both Beam and Forth widens his eyes . "Fuck !!"

"Move back .. hurryy .... " Beam pushes Forth as he sees his father walking towards the glass door .

"Ahh .. my roses ... no .. Beam ..nooo"

But before he could say any further Beam has already pushed him inside the rose bushes , smashing two rose pots . And then ....


Forth's pov :

I was just about to panic for my rose bushes ... when I feel a wait on my lap .

I freeze . Beam Barame sitting on my lap . On. MY. LAP. I look at Beam . He is observing our parents standing outside the glass door .

Dammn ..

Fuck ...

Hell .....

"Beam .. you know that I am bi , right ?" I whisper in his ear from the back .

He turns around hurriedly with a cold glare .

Dammmn ..

Don't ..

Move ...

"The hell , Forth ! We are in trouble . And you are still using your dick to think ? Just shut up !" He turns to the front .

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