Into it

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"Say she wanana fuck me later
Girl, I'm into it"

Case file 390 ministry of magic 1981

Prisoner: Sirius Orion Black III 

Parents: Walburga and Orion Black 

 Blood status: Pureblood

Cause of Imprisonment: Murder of twelve muggles one wizard and treason to the Potter family

Visitors Observations: he seems to be saner than those who have had a shorter time Azkaban, but possesses a very explosive temper at the mention of his fallen master or the betrayal accusations

the woman had been reading that file over Coffe all morning, there wasn't a thing she could find in such a short file! especially when she had been going to the Damm ministry for days trying to find information about the man and everyone seem too afraid to speak of darker times.  maybe if she talked to Lucius... The man seemed strangely fond of her, she wasn't dumb, she knew why, but if he had shared school with Black... and maybe she could find out more about herself too.

that was definitely a plan, or...well, the start of one 

She thought about where to find him. It had to be casual. he could not know she needed something from him because then he would either want something in exchange (she had been intelligent enough to know that happened often. there was enough press to cover her room about the philanthropic actions in name of the Malfoys specially after the first war) with half a plan in her head, and the reminder of Lucius Malfoy telling her about their shared tastes Nina   went down to the hotel's reception and asked the main desk to alert her if the Malfoy stepped foot in the hotel's premises (of course, that took a good tip. but she was good managing her money so she didn't mind it) 

Now, as there was time to kill, she figured the small garden right by one of the side doors of the very luxurious hotel was a good place to keep an eye out for Lucius, and that if they saw each other there was no better way to start a conversation than the apology he had sent.
Overall, it was a good book, it had some poetic phrases Nina found useful and somewhat predict but what struck her as odd was the constant references to different erotic situations, she definitely came to believe or at least suspect the blonde man had other intentions beyond alliance or friendship with her there was not explicit description of erotic encounters but there was plenty of references of infidelity from both men and women, priest's seducing women, prostitution and other situations. Not something you would gift to someone you just met.
She had been staring mindlessly at one of the pages for way too long when a shadow shielded her from the cold mid-October wind

-I see my Peace offering has provided entertainment- as soon she heard the male voice she internally smiled. She hadn't even had to use the help from the front desk. Lucius Malfoy had come to her like a moth drawn to a flame.

-Mister Malfoy- she stood to greet him and stook out her hand that he drew to his lips. -It has been enlightening- 

-Oh? - his eyebrows shoot up and he extended his arm motioning inside as she closed the book

Nina spoke as she walked inside, grabbing her now empty cup of wine to go with him

-One can tell a lot about someone from what they read mister Malfoy- 

They sat at the bar together, and he asked the bartender to refill her cup mulling over what she had said

-Tell me, miss Black. What can you tell about me-

His icy blue eyes found hers and he was almost mockingly challenging her. Nina could see that it was not some way of undermining her abilities like people at the ministry had done over the past month. No. It was something else.

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