Awakening In London

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"¿Miss?" -the man on the train shook the brown-haired girl awake-"Umm" the brown-haired girl opened her eyes and looked around "where am I?" she asks and sees herself no longer in night clothes and that beside her is a trainman "You asked to be aw...

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"¿Miss?" -the man on the train shook the brown-haired girl awake-
"Umm" the brown-haired girl opened her eyes and looked around "where am I?" she asks and sees herself no longer in night clothes and that beside her is a trainman
"You asked to be awoken when we we got to kings cross ma'am we are here" the girl fell into a slight shock and looked at the badge pinned in her blouse

SSA Nina Nefret Black
International Confederation of Wizards
Chief Magical Behavioral Análisis Unit

She frowned at the badge and remembered reding about The International Confederation of Wizards in some part it was mentioned that it was a wizarding intergovernmental organisation, roughly equivalent to the United Nations in the Muggle world. The train employee was still at her side "could you help me with my bags?"  she asked looking around to see in the superior compartment a couple of bags marked with her name, the man nodded with the head and took both of the bags, she took her hand bag and moved to the platform accompanied close by the man, who after a short goodbye and a thank you -on her side- hopped back on the train.

"What the hell" she mutters more confused than ever and sat down in a bench so she wouldn't get in any one's way okey bitch calm down we need to talk to Dumbledore and investigate who the hell are we and why are we here. Ok how do I start...The handbag there must be some money or things that tell me who I am. And so the girl started ruffling though the hand bag to find a wand, a wallet, a notebook, and a key too small to be of a house or any other thing that it wasn't... "Gringotts vault" she remembers and practically jumps out of her skin at the feeling of a hand on her shoulder

A white Blonde-haired man chuckles and as she looks up, she sees the image of, it seems to be, Lucius Malfoy.

"I didn't mean to scare you miss, I'm Lucius Malfoy"  the blonde looks at her intensely with a hint of mischief in his cold blue-grey eyes.. they reminded her of ice 
"The minister seems to be occupied I understand you were sent by the international confederation of Wizards in attention to the escape of Sirius Black" her eyes seem hooked in his as he speaks and she stood up out of education to greet the man.

"I will be more than happy to welcome a beautiful woman like yourself into London for the day" he said and grinned at her, if to intimidate her or seduce her she didn't know, maybe both but it sent tingles down her spine.

"Nina Nefret Black" she held out her hand -chief of the Magical Behavioural Análisis Unit, pleasure to make your acquaintance mister Malfoy- the man smiled at her manners and instead of a shake he planted a kiss in the back of her hand

"Black? You must be related to my wife, Narcissa that's her maiden name too" the man said interested

Oh, so she had more people around than just Dumbledore?  Now she had to gain his attention, anything that could give her some context. The next thing that came out of Lucius mouth (or more the look of disgust in his  face) made her want to insult him

"Come miss Black we should go out of the muggle's way"

She inwardly rolled her eyes. 'Patience, Nina. Do not get into an argument. He could be useful'

"Please lead the way" She got ready to fight, she didn't recognise the city, or the name of the man, or the thing she was supposed to do. She hardly remembered her name. she needed to stop. 

Stop and sit, and try to remember. What the hell happened? she couldn't because the world kept moving. The female motioned ahead grabbing her bags just to have them taken of her hands by the blonde man I'll oppose to this but that shit Is really heavy she arched a brow at the man

"What kind of gentlemen would I be if I didn't" that made her half smile

"Tell me miss are you related to the Noble house of Black or is it just a coincidence"

Lucius definitely needed to know if she was someone worthy of including in his social circle. Having another purist outside Azkaban and with enough prestige could certainly soften Dumbledores impact in the Ministry and intensify his.

"Actually, I'm not very sure"-

She mutters her answer after a few seconds now out of the busy train station.
The few minutes between waking up in the train, seeing he badge and meeting the aristocratic man have given her very little time to process the movie going on inside her head. But she remembers.  as she looks around the busy streets the man besides her seems to understand it is not something they can talk about in public and as they move through London, she slowly remembers. It's like a movie from someone else's life in her brain.

 Hospital, Dumbledore. "Transfer might be good to help you process"

Some things are late to come back, but Nina manages to answer before he becomes impatient

"A work accident with heavy memory loss. I don't know much about myself I'm afraid. That's why I got transferred".

An annoying sting in the back of her head lets her know that she has indeed managed to get his initial attention. while working to ground herself out of that mental maze. Now she had to interest him more, perhaps intimidation worked? embarrassment?

She was a woman in a world made for men. So, she had learned to change skin. To bend and mold making them see exactly what they wanted to see
She did not know exactly from what part of fractured mind the knowledge came from. Perhaps it was part of her personality or it had been perfected over time but it was what she needed now so she used it.

As the feeling in the back of her neck went stronger with the passing seconds being certainly drained from pushing back, and making light use of her abilities Nina allows him in Ignoring the searing pain that follows in both her temples. Oh, how fun it it's to see the smirk of satisfaction slowly erase.

He sees one of her dreams as if it was the real memory. Something new adds up to the list of reasons why Lucius Malfoy has to ear her trust. She definitely Is a mistery. A challenge.

"Mister Malfoy pricking in someone's mind is not very gentlemen like from your end"

This time it is Nina who enters his mind, effortlessly for some reason she flashes some other images of herself this time with the man who she had a common accord of fulfilling sexual fantasies with. 
the girl is bounded to a four posts bed blindfold on and feeling wax drop through the valley of her boobs. 

There. Punishment.

"I'm more prepared than a common auror Lucius" her voice lowered but she didn't sound any less dangerous "I hope you've learned you lesson" she looks into his now darkened eyes not backing down is he horny or does he want to kill me? the girl thinks

"I did" his voice sounded thicker and I know where to take you after we drop your bags in the very confortable hotel room the minister has assigned for you as I understand you'll be coming and going from Hogwarts.

"Ah" she said with a twinkle in her eyes stayed tainted on her, noticing his hypnotized like glance "Perfect"

AN: hello I'm Lina
how's the story so far!
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