The Cure

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y/n pov:

I woke up, and glanced beside me, gerard was lying peacefully, his hair messy and covering some of his face. I got out of bed and began my day, I was going to make gerard breakfast and bring it to him so I made a start on that, I got to the kitchen and began, by getting a pan, some eggs and bacon, I threw the eggs and bacon into the pan and put some bread in the toaster. After everything was cooked, I made him a cup of coffee and put it all on a tray, making my way back into his room.

Once I walked into his room, I put his food on a stool whilst I sat beside him, shaking him gently,

"gerard, time to wake up darling"

"gerard, I made you some breakfast, wake up before it gets cold"

I leaned down and gently kissed his lips, brushing some stray hairs away, gerard soon woke up and began kissing me back. I pulled back and said,

"breakfast, for you"

"thanks" he said his face gleaming with happiness

"no need"

I watched as he ate, thinking to myself, how do I tell him that I'm dying?

If your wondering, yes I'm dying, due to whatever gerards men shot me with, it was obviously something poisonous, I still hadn't given him back, I should, today.

"I wanted to take you out somewhere today"


"yeah, it will be a.. Suprise.. Though"

"that's fine, when are we gonna go?"

"as soon as you have gotten dressed"

"okay" he said

I left the room and waited for him to finish, it didn't take him no longer than 15 minutes and he was dressed and ready to go.

I held his hand as I walked him to the garage. I hopped into a car, with gerard in the passenger seat, and I began driving

Halfway to the killjoys mansion, gerard turned to me, nervousness all over his face

"I know a cute coffee shop up here" I lied


He seemed to be a little relaxed by that, till I told him to put a blindfold on,

"really? Do I really have to put it on" he protested

"yes, you do"

Once he put it on, I turned the corner and began driving again, about 20 minutes into the drive gerard fell asleep, good think we was only 5 minutes u til we where there...

the killjoys mansion stood before us, I drove in and got out of the car, some guard must of alerted the other killjoys because the same man who shot me came outside with the other two

"so you have finally decided to bring my brother home!" he beamed

"yeah, you can have him"

"why causing a fuss?"

"no, he isn't my prisoner"

"what's going on?" gerard asked getting out of the car

"I'd of expected you to be tied and gagged brother!" mikey shouted, half laughing

"whats going on?" he repeated, to me

"your going back with your brother"

"no, I wanna stay with you"

"you can't brother, I don't think she could last another week, I coated the bullet with more poison than usual" he laughed

"p-poison? Your dying?"

I just nodded, trying not to cry.

Gerard pulled me into a tight embrace, letting out a choked sob.

"that's why your giving me back" he sniffled

Mikey, seeing the look of pure heartbreak on his brothers face decided to help y/n out, he had of course, found a medicine, that would rid the poison from her body within a few days.

"brother, may I have a word?" mikey asked

Gerard left y/n, after giving her another quick hug,

"yes?" he asked, still drying his tears

"I have the cure to the poison"

"r-really?" gerard asked in disbelief

"yes, keep her here for a while we will get her back to being herself again. I can see she makes you happy"

To be continued...

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