Chapter 10

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"That went well," Damon's voice rang as he walked back into the library where she was. "I'm just letting you know if he comes in guns blazing, I'm going to have to kill him." His condescending, malicious smile made her skin crawl. She scoffed at him.

"No, Damon, you won't because he won't. He may be a hunter, but he doesn't break promises," she said, shoving her phone in her pocket.

"Right because he loves you with everything inside him and wouldn't do anything to hurt your precious vampire friends who you've only been with for nearly a week now," he said, mocking her. She felt her eyes roll.

"Why are you acting like this?" She asked, throwing up her hands.

"Because I can't stand idly by and watch you try and save people who hurt you. It's insanity; Elias will kill you before he lets you near him, even if all of what the angel dude said was true," he said, his eyes wide and vicious. "It's suicide." She shook her head as tears made their way to her waterlines.

"No, Damon. It's sacrifice," she said, walking away from him. Tonight was the founder's party, so she called Elena, telling her she was on her way to get ready, and left the Salvatore Boarding House.


"What's wrong? You seem off today," Elena said as her and Alex both wrapped their hair around a curling wand. Alex shook her head and fought the anxiety in her chest.

"Just had a little bit of a fight with Damon," she said. Elena moved her head in an 'ah' motion, raising her eyebrows. A smile played on her mouth.

"What?" Alex asked, letting curl fall from the wand. She pinned it back into the updo she'd learned to do when she went to prom a few years back. Simple, elegant, and dainty.

"Nothing. I just think it's interesting how quickly Damon has jumped to try and save you," she said. Alex scoffed, picking the wand back up and wrapping another strand of hair.

"Did Stefan tell you?" She could feel the panic in her voice.

"He heard you talking to Damon this morning," she said, nodding. She gave an apologetic smile as she twisted the ringlets of hair around her finger to keep them tight.

"What do you mean by interesting?" She asked, nearly burning her finger as she turned her head to Elena.

"He's not subtle," she said, giving Alex a mischievous smile and a wink.

"I don't think it's anything like that, Elena. He seems more concerned about himself than anyone," she said, hearing the disappointment in her own voice, betraying her from showing Elena any emotional attachment she had to Damon. She didn't really understand it, but it was there somehow.

"Damon has always said he was selfish, but this time, if it is his own selfishness, I think it's because he doesn't want to lose you," she said, smiling with her arm over her head as she let the ringlet fall from the wand.

"He barely knows me," she said, shaking her head and pushing away the thoughts Elena was bringing to the surface.

"Damon is smart. He knows what he feels," Elena said, raising her eyebrows at her, telling her that she was going to have to deal with Damon's emotions whether she liked it or not. "He doesn't jump to keep people alive all the time. He only does that for people he cares about, and by the looks of it, he isn't going to let anything happen to you."

Alex was quiet and internally denying everything Elena was claiming about Damon, but she was concerned about her own heart because the more Alex ignored it, the more the truth surfaced: she cared about Damon.

"I'm just saying, Alex. I would be more worried about what Damon does to this Dean guy who has claimed his undying love for you than anything else," Elena finished with her brows raised high as she set the curling iron on the bathroom sink and unplugged it from the wall. Alex sighed as Elena walked back into her room to smooth out her dress before putting it on. Once Alex was finished, she looked at herself in the mirror; a much different version of the girl she'd seen the day they got the dresses was looking back at her. She wondered what her parents would think about her life now.

"This is going to be an interesting night," Elena said as she walked back to the bathroom and leaned against the doorway, watching Alex contemplate every decision that led her there.

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