CH. 3

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This fucking nigga just said we aint finished.

"Daddy please no more.." "That was only me princess. Now it's Yuji's turn."

He slid back into me while Yuji took control once more of his own body.

"M-mommy, I'm going to start moving now.."

His strides in and out of me bought me back into the sensation. My eyes rolled in my head as he quicken his movements.

"F-f-fuck Yuji,"

I pulled him in more as i wanted more. Yuji was gentle but i love the way Sukuna is. Yuji kept the rhythmic paste, till he started getting sloppy and staggering. He slowly stops and looked me in the eyes.

i started blushing, but thanks to my skin he didn't see it. Sukuna came out for a few seconds, only to look a on my half broken state and lick my earlobe causing me to arch my back.

Yuji was still inside me and slowly getting slower.

"C-can you top me..?" "Yea.."

We flipped positions from missionary to cowgirl.

"A-ah.. m-mommy!"

His moans had me skyrocketing as i rode him faster. I sat on him with my back arched to full. {Ya know you got that extra good arch}

Sukuna flipped out again and gripped onto my ass and heaving me up farther from his cock to drop me back on him.

"A-ah.. daddy.. P-please..."

He was constantly doing that to me, and i needed to lose the upcoming knot.

"I-i need to cum.. Fuck. Mhmm.."

"Not yet. you haven't done enough."

My eyes roll to the back of my head as I became overstimulated. I tried to keep in my moan as much as i could but Sukuna slapped my ass taking them out of me

"A-ahh, p-please.."

"Please what? You little slut. What do you want?"

"P... please, l-let me cum, daddy... PLEASE DADDY!"

He held onto my waist kepping my on his dick. While Yuji switched out.

" You can mommy."

He wasn't..

He wasn't looking worried. More like Sukuna had rubbed off on him.

Yuji was smirking up at me..

He rubbed circles of my ass, before slapping my checks and gripping them to help me move on him.

{Your ass is deff gonna swell}

I gripped onto his shoulders while tears fell off my face.

After three of his trusts, holding my body in place to trust upwards into me the knot that had formed, became undone.

A held onto Yuji arching my back with pleasure and moaned out.

Sukuna flipped back out and started moving slowly to help me get out of my high, while also shooting another load in me.

I fell right on him from exhaustion. A knock was heard at the door, and a angry woman started making noise.

"KEEP THE FUCKING NOISE DOWN YOU FUCKING WHORE. Can't find some where else to fuck your playboys?"

Sukuna gently rolled me off him and wrapped himself in a towel and went to the door.

When he swung it open, my neighbor, Mrs. Lue could have shrunk a lot, because of Sukuna's height.

~My death~ sukuna x black fem. readerWhere stories live. Discover now