First Sighting { part 2}

48 7 11

TW Self Harm, YellingTW


"There just gonna be like the others"

I just set there as she leaves 'Well i guess it's another family that's going to FucKing BEAT and ENSLAVE, God why, do you even exist? Why am I crying, why? I tried to hold in my crying, but it didn't work. God, it couldn't get inside. I look at my book with the book mark of my mom, dad, and brother before........ The accident. Why, why, if god is real why did THAT have to happen? I was FUCKING Six GOdDAnmeT! Of all things. He was seven...... why? We even got seperated' I then walk over to the broken mirror I had in my room. I then ripped of sharp place of the glass and start to cut myself over, ond over, and, over.........over... again. I then reallize what im doing ' fuck' if Mrs.Soteria sees this ill be scuded. I go to the corner of my room where I keep towels and pandeges. {I mean this was the old janitor living quarters so obviously it's gonna have that.} I grab them and cover the cuts that are bleeding badly. Pushing down so they wouldn't bleed anymore. I then wrapped up my arm so the blood doesn't bleed through my sweeter. I then get all my stuff packed, violin, books, hoodies, and my family picture.


5 more minutes, I go ahead and start to walk over to the room you meet with foster people and adoptive people. I walked up to the door, took a deep breath and walked in. There was no one there so I just sat down and read the art of war book.

<Philza pov>

I haven't actually told all the kids about getting a new kid. The only person I told was Techno bc he's mature enough not to get overly hyped about it and start asking questions. Today we are going to see them, I don't know who they are, till yesterday she said her name was y/n and her species is Avien and pig. That means we will both share something and her & techno also share a species as well. But that's all I know so far. Techno is obviously awake on the sofa already, like usual. I walk upstairs to wilburs room and knock on the door " Wil, can I come in?" i say to him through the door " * yawn* yeah, you can" i then walk into his room " will imma need you up an adam sense we are going somewhere " "where are we going?" " Well that Wil, is called a surprise" I then shut the door behind me and start to walk to Tommy's room. I open the door to see tommy on his computer playing games with tubbo " hey tom, i need you to get off there and get ready, we're going somewhere today" i say to him with a smile on my face " but me and tubbo are about to film a video" he says to me me in his whiny voice " i don't care your going to get dressed today and look presentable, you hear me young man?" I say to him in a stern voice " yessss, sirrr." he says " ok, see you when you're ready!" I say to him smiling and then shutting the door behind me and start to walk down the stars to see Wil is all up and dressed wearing his red beanie and yellow sweater. " Glad you're awake" I say to Wil. Then Tommy comes barreling down the stairs loudly. " Good Morning, trash bandit." Techno says to Tommy, making Tommy mad. " OI YOUUUU SON OF A BITCH!!!!!" Tommy starts to yell like crazy " HEYYY" I then yell louder than him, making all three of them swing their heads at me " Stop yelling, Anyway i want you all to set on the couch or take a seat" I say to them they all start to take a seat all in there usual spots that they have when we all watch tv. " Now I have a big announcement and one of you already knows what it is'' everyone's heads shoot to techno " Guys pay attention" there heads shoot back to me " you all are getting a new sibling" they all looked shocked except techno. " wait- I'M GETTING A SIBLING?!?!?!?" Tommy yells " Yes, you dumbass. Can you even hear?" Wilbur remarks at Tommy " HEY YOU DICKHEAD!" Tommy yells back at Wil " Hey! Stop yelling orelse" i say with a stern tone again " Now are you all ok with this?" i ask " Yes'' they all say in unison " Ok, everyone get in the car we only have..." I look down at my phone. It's 7:45 " 15 more minutes'' everyone grabs their phones or whatever else they are bringing and start to head to the car. It's a van. 2 seats in the front, three in the middle and three in the back. I set in the front with wilbur tommy stets in the seat on the very right behind wilbur's seat in the middle and techno sets in the very back left seat. I then start to drive to our destination


As we are pulling up I hear Tommy yell " Dad isn't this the orphanage you got me from" " yes it is. I'm glad i could get you out of the orphanage just as you got there" i say to him " yep..." he says as we all go back into silence. " Well we're here, everyone excited?" i say trying to break the silence " Hell yeah! I'M GETTING A SIBLINGGGG!!!!!" tommy yells in happiness " alrite time to go in" i say as i park the car"

////// Timeskip cuz i'm lazy 7:57///////

We get inside and we have to go through verification before we can even see her. It takes us about three minutes to get done with that .It's exactly 8:00 now.

<Technoblades pov>

Once we'er done with verification someone that dad said he knew and I think he said her name was Sophia Jones or something like that, Anyway we fallowed her to a room she then opened the door and.......what I think I saw was unbelievable

///// TO BE CONTINUED /////

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