The Morning {part 1 }

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Early In The Morning, 5:00

//3rd person//

You wake up, opening your eyes to the sound of someone banging on your door while yelling your name, you had a god awful cramp in your left wing " Y/N!" It was hard when you just woke up from a nightmare & banging on your door. You had to put your mind as much back together and suck up the pain before getting up from your bed " Y/N!" you walked over to the door to see who it was while rubbing your eyes. You open the door, and it turns out it was just Mrs.Soteria, as you like to call her but her real name was Mrs.Jones. " What do you need?" you say in your usual monotone voice " you don't get up as usual, are you ok?" she said in a worried tone of voice " ya, I just didn't really sleep much this week, but it's fine. Also did you know there are other children in this building? Go worry about them instead of me. Also, I'm 16 and I think I can handle myself." you say to her " i know it's just...... nevermind, take a shower and get dressed. Also eat today please, at least for me" she says looking you straight in the eyes " ok" you say to her not being able to bare to look her in the eyes because you know your body wouldn't let you. You both just stand there for a minute in silence until you say " well i can't take a shower if your just standing in the doorway" you say in your monotone voice " oh, sorry" she says giggling and walking out while shutting the door behind her.

//1st person// Y/n's pov

I watch as Mrs.Soteria leaves and closes the door. 'She worries too much,' I thought to myself. I then walk over to my closet and pick out my clothes for the day. I laid out a jumper/ sweater. It had black sleeves and hood, gray strings and then the rest was white. I get undressed stretching out my wings and trying to get out that everlasting cramp. ' I did it!, yes!' It felt so relieving for it to stop. I expand my wings as far as I could get them without them hitting anything off places, they were ik 3xs my body length. I then get into the shower.

^0^ After the shower 6:30 ^0^

I get out of the shower almost tripping because of how heavy my wings are. I put on the bottom half of my clothes. Before I put on my top half I have to dry my wings to not get my clothes so wet. It doesn't take long at all, just about 30 minutes or so. After I dry my wings I put on the rest of my clothes and then slipped my sweater/ jumper over my wings, to hide them. I then grab my art of war book off my desk and walk out of my room and shut the door 'Time for breakfast, I at least have to go through the line so she wouldn't worry' just thinking about food makes me sick. I then walk down stairs and wait in line to get a plate of what they were serving [ i don't know, you can just choose your own breakfast, but remember it's an orphanage so food there isn't the best.] i grabbed a plate of * insert here* and I walked over to the chair on the side of the wall more towards the corner. It was unusual for me to set here the sense I usually eat, or that's what people think, in my room. Anyways I grabbed my art of war book and started reading it.

// 45 minutes later 7:25 //

I waited till Mrs. Soteria to be talking with another oe of the staff before i quickly threw away my tray. I don't think anyone saw me. So i went back to my room. I was board of reading the art of war so i picked up the white violin my mother got me when i was 6, i know how to play, that's when i started taking lessons. I would say i'm pretty good but probably not as good as a lot of other people who play. i only play for a year before....I started to play my favorite song. Just as i was about to start to sing. I heard a knocking on my door. I look up to see who it is. It's Mrs.soteria " you need something?" i say to her as she's standing in the doorway " in almost 45 minutes a family will be here looking for a kid to adopt and i know them personally and they are nice people, get your stuff ready" she says to me 'there just gonna be like the others'

//To be Continued//

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