[19] A prince likes Athalia, what could go wrong?

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"So you want me to take you out side the castle? Are you asking me to die-?" Stephan grabbed Athalia's hand, "Its just a quick outing nothing special my ass!"

"Your not the one with their life on the line!"  Stephan started shaking Athalia repeatedly, "I want to take you i do, but... His majesty-"

"What he doesn't know wont hurt him." Athalia stepped back from Stephan, the two were in the back of her sisters rose garden, near the inner wall that blocks the palace from the forest ahead. She placed a hand on the wall feeling it, "I remember in a history lesson, my teacher accidently mentioned a secret passage way connecting the inner wall to the outer wall near the town..."

Stephan chuckled and step in the way of Athalia and the wall, "Lia as much as I know you want to explore, you shouldn't do this. Its better to go ask His Majes-"

"And his answer would be a No!" Athalia said," Steph you know my dad, this is my chance to go outside!" 'And if all fails with dad when Jennette comes into the picture.... This passage way could be an escape route'.

"Steph its either you come with me or i go on my own." Stephan shook his head, "Lia... No Princess its far to dangerous you could get hurt!"

"I can protect myself...I'm going.." Athalia placed her left hand on a brick and pushed down, eventually her hand slipped through the wall into nothingness , "Last chance Steph."


And together the two faded through the wall into the forest ahead.


"We've been walking for like years.." Stephan moaned, "Can we take a break? Pretty please?" Athalia shook her head, "No i only have 6 hours before dad will notice I'm gone and the town is right up ahead we just have to follow the path."

"You mean road we could get run over or something.."

"Stay on the positive side! A walk is good for us." Athalia smiled but that smile faded as she looked up to see a broken carriage up ahead, two men were tending to a horse they looked like knights, "What happened there? We should go help! Come on steph."

"Wait Princess!" Athalia grabbed his wrist and walked over to the carriage, when they spotted the duo they were instantly on guard, "Hello! I'm Lia, We saw your carriage and wondered if we could be of any help." Athalia politely bowed, Stephan copied her actions.

"oh my? A pretty lady has offered help to poor little me?"

'What that voice didn't come from the knights?..' Athalia thought as figure immerged from behind the carriage, "Princess get behind me.." Stephan whispered in Athalia's ear, "No way, i can protect myself." She answered back.

Deep pink like eyes caught Athalia's attention, A boy stood in front of them. His hair was a normal shade of brown not to dark and not to light, his tanned skin suggested he was not from the Obelia empire and most of all he seemed to be around Athalia's age.

"Oh you must be the Princess? Princess Athalia.." The boy chuckled, 'How could he see through-'

"If your wondering how i can see through you little magic trick, I'm Prince Alec Se Odone from the kingdom of Aflana, i guess you could say we have a little...gift with seeing through mana spells."

'Prince Alec? He must be here for mine and Athys debut..' Athalia frowned, "Your highness if i may ask...How is it that your carriage uhh crashed??" Athalia guessed, she could feel Stephan tapping her shoulder but she chose to ignore it.

"Ahh we did not crash im afraid Princess, We were attacked by a group of bandits." Prince Alec said, he step closer to Athalia and Stephan, "The Horses were frightened so while trying to calm them down the group leader broke our wheel."

"I'm sorry to hear that your highness.." Athalia said but the prince smiled and patted Athalia on the head, "Awe I love it when pretty girls like you give me sympathy." He continued to pat Athalia's hair until Stephan noticed Athalia was visibly uncomfortable, "Your highness me and the princess should really be going now."

"Oh? Your heading to town then please allow me to accompany you." He smiled, "I need to go out and buy a new wheel."

"Ok of we go them!"

'Just 6 hours...6 hours'


"Oh My gosh! Look at this place! "Athalia wondered around the market, Stephan following closely behind with the prince walking beside him.

"You've never been outside the castle princ-"

"Don't address the Lia like that here, word might spread." Stephan mumbled, he glared at the boy next to him who in return walked of to catch up with Athalia, 'Ive never seen anything like this!'

"So Lia, Why don't we go and grab something to eat and you can tell me a bit about your self?" Prince Alec smiled, He guided Athalia and Stephan into a nearby restaurant. "This place is so nice!" The trio walked to a table, Athalia sat down on the chair nearest to the window, Stephan was about to sit next to her until Prince Alec stole the spot.

Prince Alec leaned towards Athalia, "So lia, What kind of jewellery do you like?" Prince Alec Asked, "Oh uhhh," Athalia blushed, 'Hes way to close...'

"She doesn't wear jewellery, she likes teddy bears and stuff." Stephan interrupted, 'oh hes so in a mood' Athalia thought Stephan glared at the prince and princess from across the table, "She has this cute bunny toy she called mr bon-"

"Stephan!" Athalia called out, Prince Alec looked surprised by her outburst, "A secret story of the Princess? I feel so special to be able to hear it.."

"Its not so secret everyone in the palace knows of my obsession with bunny's." Athalia grumbled.

"Bunny's? Ill be sure to keep that in mind.." Prince Alec chuckled.

'Just 4 more hours.'


Hey everyone so sorry for not updating in a while i had exams :(

But Hope you enjoy the introduction of the first or second Male lead ive got them both planned out later in the story ill have a vote on who should be end game

Hope you enjoyed reading!

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