chapter 6

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At the kingdom on stage Luu-luu was being held by monsters while the vult's men were watching what was happening.

Luu-luu: what the hell is going on you monster.

Vult: just an example of what is going to happen to women in the other kingdoms.

The ogres had her down and they ripped off her clothing.

As they were going to have their fun with her until *bang* *bang* *bang*.

The ogre's head exploded.

Vult: what the hell.


Another monster's head exploded.

Vult's men started to panic.

Ryan and Gilbert were firing their snipers.

Ryan and Gilbert were firing their snipers

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Noah in his blaze dragon form started killing the black dogs

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Noah in his blaze dragon form started killing the black dogs.

When the black dogs were trying to escape Amanda stood in their way.

Amanda: Where do y'all think y'all going.

Black dog: she's alone we can take.

Amanda: You think so well it's a good thing I brought some help George.

The trees in the forest started to go down and a giant albino gorilla appeared and started attacking the black dogs.

Mark burned most of the black dogs to ashes but vult got lucky and got away leaving the black dogs to die

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Mark burned most of the black dogs to ashes but vult got lucky and got away leaving the black dogs to die.

Ryan: he got away Dammit.

Gilbert: don't worry we'll get him c'mon let go the kingdom.

They went into the kingdomto see Amanda snap a monster's neck.

Amanda: That was the last of them.

Andres: good I don't want to deal with another man or monster right now.

Luu-luu: thanks for saving me and my people are now safe.

Also what kind of magic did y'all use to blow those monsters' heads off.

Juana: Oh that was not magic *summons her sniper* This baby is responsible for killing those monsters.

Luu-luu: Interesting what the monkey

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Luu-luu: Interesting what the monkey.

Amanda: oh that's George he albino gorilla I found him all alone the hunters killing his mother and I killed them it was too late for the mother I took George in now look at him now.

Andres: the forest is clear of black dogs and monsters they won't be coming back.

Noah: the kingdom is safe for now let's get ready to head out to the next kingdom.

Luu-luu: if you haven't been there yet, I would go to the kingdom of throne ruled by Kaguya.

Juana: alright we'll head there tomorrow until then we should rest up.

A few hours later the civilians returned to the kingdom Luu-luu was celebrating with the heroes for saving her kingdom.

Mando, Noah and Juana were chilling but Ryan, Mark, Andres, Amanda and Gilbert were drinking beer, wine and whiskey.

Noah: should we stop them?

Juana: no let them have their fun.

During the night Ryan, Mark, Gilbert and Amanda passed out drunk but Andres wasn't drunk because the drinks there are not as strong as the ones he has in Olympus.

Andres looks at the stars thinking that his mother is watching over from Olympus.

Andres: mother do think I'm doing a great job so I can make you proud if I am please give me a sign that shows me that you are listening.

Andres waited to see any sign of his mother telling him she was listening but he saw nothing he was about to leave until he felt the wind of his mother.

Andres smiles because his mother is watching over him.

At Olympus Athena was sitting on her throne watching her son.

Athena: Andres I'm the luckiest mother alive because I have you as my son. I know you want to make me proud. I'll tell you this as soon as we see each other again.

The next day Mando, Ryan, Mark, Noah, Gilbert, Andres, Amanda and Juana were about to leave for the next kingdom.

Luu-luu: as much I would like to go with you guys but I need to gather my forces to prepare to battle vult and his mercenaries.

Mando: good we'll need them for the final battle.

Juana: It's time for us to go. We'll see you soon as we save the other princesses.

Luu-luu: wait what about George don't you need him.

Amanda: Keep him, he's yours, he'll protect you and your kingdom.

Juana: We'll meet again at the Geofu.

The heroes launch into the sky heading to the kingdom of throne.

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