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As the evening hike continued Hallie and Louis started to change the way they acted with each other. Tallulah noticed how instead of painfully ignoring each other Louis started to tease Hallie, and instead of her getting annoyed she laughed. After a couple of hours they all eventually reached the place where they were going to spend the rest of the night and watch the sun rise. Hallie and Louis, instead of being at opposite ends of the line of people, sat together. They talked, made smores, played games, all whilst stealing glances at each other. As the sun started to rise Hallie, Louis and Tallulah all watched in amazement; there was nothing quite like it. The sky was painted a rainbow of pinks and red which looked beautiful. Hallie found herself thinking about her mum, her eyes starting to pool with water. Tallulah glanced over, about to say something, but then looked down at Louis' hand which was holding Hallie's fingers tightly as she squeezed his hand back. Tallulah smiled, wondering how long it was going to be before they realised they were actually quite well suited to each other.

Sunday morning came with a bang and not long after the sun was up and the coffee and doughnuts were consumed, they all made their way back down to the coach to take them home. Hallie felt exhausted and soon after the coach pulled away, fell asleep on Tallulah's shoulder.

"She's cute when she's not talking, huh?" Louis said from the seats opposite them, smirking.

Tallulah smiled, raising an eyebrow at him, "or is it just because something else is going on between you two?"

Louis felt his body tense. "I don't know what you're talking about Lula. You're making shit up."

Tallulah grinned, leaning her head back on her seat and closed her eyes, "I don't believe anything that is coming out your mouth Louis. I've been friends with you a while, and there has been no other girl that has made you even contemplate spending time alone with them the way you want with Hallie."

"Oh stop Lula, you're making some fairytale moment out of nothing!" he replied bluntly, folding his arms across his chest.

He hadn't realised that Hallie had stirred, her eyes still closed, listening to their conversation.

"It's okay to like someone Louis, you do know that? Not everyone goes..."

"Goes where? I'm not scared Lula if that's what you're implying. I said Hallie looked cute, there's no point you jumping to the conclusion I actually want something to happen with her. She's too innocent for me anyway, not a lot of fun at the best of times and is the complete opposite in what I find attractive anyway."

Tallulah opened her eyes and stared at him, "right, whatever you say Louis", she replied, rolling her eyes at him.

Hallie felt a sicky feeling emerge in her stomach, her eyes feeling teary once again. Whatever she thought she had started to feel towards Louis turned to hatred, and she couldn't wait to get home, hoping work the following week would fly by and they could get away with barely talking again.


Louis tried to make small talk as Hallie and him stood together in Magic Kingdom, dressed in their character costumes; they were meant to act completely in love, but the part they were playing seemed more like the start of the movie as sworn enemies. Hallie felt lucky that in Rapunzel she hated Flynn at the beginning, and made the excuse that is what they had decided they were playing this week. In the evenings Hallie came home exhausted and most of the time skipped dinner to just have a shower and get into bed. Tallulah left her to it, realising she needed the time on her own more than anything. She saw her pick up her notebook and write excessively, even sometimes still going when she came in from seeing the other campmates, Louis or her girlfriend in the early hours of the morning. Hallie felt more and more angry as the week went on, finding herself despise Louis more than she did when she had first met him. The week dragged on and soon enough Louis got the hint, not realising that her change of heart was completely his fault.

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