Twenty One

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Things started happening sooner than I thought it would. I could hear Rido Kuran. I had no idea where Kaname was either. I was in my day class when we all started getting evacuated into the mess hall. The war was about to begin. I followed the sound of Hayato to find him and Rei with Ruka and Seiren. I grabbed onto Rei's face. She held me tightly.

"What's going on? I'm scared!"

"Vampires are attacking. Kaname's family member, Rido, is here. He's killing people like crazy. But don't worry, Kaname is going to end it. I'll keep you safe. I promise you that. I'm not going anywhere, Rei."

Vampires surrounded us. "Well, you better prove it! Aido and Kain left to protect they human girl so you better step up like this Seiren chick!"

I threw my hands in two directions. One side got burned, the other froze and broke into little pieces of ice. "Trust me, I can fight just fine."

"Who are you?" His eyes went wide. "No lower class vampire can do that."

"My name is Erika, but you might know me better as my original name, Hayami Hio."

I saw his heart sink and his eyes glowing. "Hayami?"

"Yato, we need to get Rei out of here. We need to protect Kaname and Yuki. Akatsuki and Ruka and Seiren and Hanabusa... they're all our family too. Please help me get them out safely."

"I will."

As we fought, we eventually ran into Akatsuki, Hanabusa and Yuki. "... can't you just use your Artemis rod?"

"I... I can't do that right now."

"It's alright, Yuki. Juri had a hard time using it too. You don't have to right now."

"Thanks, Erika."

Hayato looked to me. "You hear that?"

"Rido's getting too powerful."

"I never really liked that guy, but he is family. You ready to go kick some old vampire butt?"

"I think you mean new vampire, and I sure am. Back like the old days."

"Just like in the old days."

We ran up to the roof to find a trap. Rido really was too powerful. He grabbed everyone, crushing them together. Hayato and Rei were taken away from me. I screamed, my ears ringing. The more I ripped at what was holding me down, the more came and tied me up. I was so focused on fighting, I didn't notice Zero showing up. My heart sank. This is what Kaname was planning with Zero. Akatsuki and Hanabusa were fighting as hard as they could. I couldn't fight anymore. Not seeing what was happening. A pureblood was going to die today. Just like all those years ago.

Had I been brought back just to watch everyone I love die? Was this revenge for me dying and making all my loved ones worry and mourn? Standing here was my family, and if we didn't do something, we were all going to die. But Akatasuki, Seiren, Ruka, Senri, Hanabusa and Rima were going to die for good. They were pureblood. Yuki, Rei, Hayato, Kaname and I could all get brought back by sacrificing another pureblood. They didn't have a second chance. Zero was fighting Rido, and I managed to get myself free. I put my hands in Yuki's.

"I know you can do this. Artemis was your mothers and she could wield it. You are a Kuran. You can use the weapon, I believe in you."

"I can and I will."

Yuki managed to use the Artemis rod. I turned to the others. "I'll be back as soon as I can. Cross can hold off the vampire hunters, but those low grade vamps are all mine. I promise I will protect you all."

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