✨ Magical hair ✨

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<This one's gonna be a lil different and your gonna have some princess/prince time with renesmee lol also you're a witch >


Y/n pov

I was in the kitchen with carlisle when Jake, bella and renesmee got back, we went to greet them but renesmee looked sad and Bella was giving Jake a death glare whilst he avoided her terrifying gaze.

Carlisle and I shared a look and he asked, " What's going on?"

Renesmee let's out a long sigh saying, " Jake stepped on the pretty flower I found for grandma/grandpa and now it's ugly and smashed."

"I really am sorry renesmee I didn't see it.." He tried to save himself but it seemed to make bellas glare worsen if that's possible.

"Awww sweetie I'll still have the flower even if it's a little smashed." I replied but she looked as if she would cry.

I patted carlisles hand that was around my waist and walked over to renesmee bending down to her height. She looked up at me curiously but I didn't answer her questioning gaze and instead held her hands that held the flower.

"Renesmee do you want to know a secret?" I whispered knowing everyone could still here me.

She nodded her head eagerly in return.

I smiled and said, " Do you remember that princess with the super long hair? Jeez what was her name again?"

Her eyes brightened and she said," Rapunzel!!!"

I chuckle and say, " Yea that's the one, well I've met her before."

She looks like she's about to explode with happiness but I continue," And she taught me a very helpful trick, but I dont remember the words."

"The words to what?" She asked.

"The words to the healing song." I reply and a look of realization crossed her face.

" I know the words!!!." She yells out.

"Do you, oh that's just perfect now you can help me sing the song so we can bring this flower back to life!!"

"Okayy!!" She says

I chuckle once more and say, " Okay are you ready?"

She gives a quick nod and gets ready to sing the song. Ofcourse what she doesn't know is I have never met this lady in my life speaking that she's a cartoon character and I have no idea how to do the healing incarnation thingy, buttttt I do have my own magic which could make this seem real. So let's just go with that.

She starts to sing the song in which would 'heal' the flower.

"Flower gleam and glow"

I use my magic to add a slight glow to the room,

"Let your powers shine"

And make her hair float,
Her hair then turns into a very pretty silver color.

"Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine"

The flower lifts into the air as well.

"Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates design"

The flower slowly starts look as if it was never stepped on and there were audible gasps from everyone I forgot was in the room.

"Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine."

She finishes the song and the flower is now back to its original healthy self, I grab it and put it in her hair which turned back to normal as well and say, " I think you should keep it."

I give a wink and stand up to walk back to carlisle who wears a soft smile and knowing look in his eyes.

When heading upstairs we laugh as we hear Renesmee telling Edward, who just came back from hunting, about what just happened and how happy she was.

When we finally get to our shared room I collapse into carlisles arms from exhaustion. He holds me and says," Its alright my love just rest, you deserve it."

That was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep in his arms.


< Jeez that wasn't as good as I thought it would be but whatever lmao anywayy how has everyone's day been I hope well if not then thats not good you have full control on how you feel whenever so take a breath, drink water and make it better, that's what my grandma always says lol anyway bye 👋>

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