Chapter 5: L-O-V-E

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After more weeks of looking for a job I simply gave up. I can’t find anything, especially not in these times. While Manny and Sara were at school I walked to Tina’s house. She opened the door with a smile and her pregnant belly caught my eye. She still looked so beautiful. Tina was a little lighter than me. In high school, she was the girl all the guys went crazy over, because she was mixed. She had medium length brown hair, hazel/green eyes, a cute perky nose, and a beautiful figure. I smiled at her. “Hey Ti!” I said giving her a hug sideways as I walked in. “What’s up KeKe.” She said using my nickname. I sat down on the couch. Their apartment was nicely decorated and well furnished. “Where’s Darry?” I asked. “He’s at work.” She said. I nodded, “So how you been keeping up?” I asked her.

“I’ve been fine, but peeing a lot.” She joked. I laughed, “Yeah girl. I feel you.” I said. There was a silence like she wanted to say something but couldn’t get it out. “How are you and Dario?” she asked. “I guess we are fine.” I said. In all honesty I really don’t know. We’re not together, he just helps out. “Fine?” she asked. “KeKe don’t let that punk use you.” She warned. I rolled my eyes, “He’s not going to use me.” I defended. “Have you guys been having sex?” she asked. “Yes.” I said nervously. “Protected?” she asked. I paused, “Sometimes.” I said. “Ke, don’t let him stick you with another baby. You can barely take care of Manny and Sara. Much less yourself.” She said. She was telling the truth, she always tells the truth.

“Okay, I’ll just tell him to use protection and we won’t do it until he does.” I said. “That’s not the only problem you gotta prevent.” She said. “Isn’t he still selling drugs and gang banging?” she asked. I was afraid to answer. “Exactly.” She said. “You better watch your back. People probably think he’s with you and might try to kill you or your kids to get back at him.” She said. “Or even worse.” She started.

“Look what happened to me. Remember when Rakeem hid his gun in the back of my car and I was jailed for a year?” she asked tearing up. “Tina, don’t cry.” I said. “Ke, I don’t want anything like that to happen to you. Niggahs these days be playing girls making them think they got your back and then when something goes down you got to take up for them.”

All I could do was listen. I felt so bad for being blind to all that could have happened. I just wanted a father figure in the house for my kids. Why does there have to be a downside to everything?

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The music was loud as he led me into the office. There were pictures of other girls who used to work here that ended up in music videos. I sat down on a squeaky wooden chair and looked into his cold black eyes and dark skin with deep craters all over his face. He dimmed the lights in the room and played fast paced music in the room. “Show me what you can do.” He smiled a nasty, crooked, yellow smile. I stood up and started removing my clothes slowly. In time with the beat. I can’t mess up or I won’t get the job. And I needed this. “Beautiful.” He said. I smiled weakly because I was uncomfortable. “Nice. You have a wonderful body Little Miss Keisha.” He said. I’m crying inside. Doing something I promised I will never do.

Afterwards I put my clothes on. “How soon can you start?” he asked me. “Maybe tomorrow night.” I said. “Perfect. Just perfect. Can you work Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday nights at 10?” he asked. I nodded taking my work schedule as he quickly typed it and printed it. “Great. The costumes can be anything sexy. And that won’t be hard for someone as petite yet curvy as you.” He said. I nodded. As I walked out he slapped my butt roughly and I yelped. He chuckled nastily and I basically ran out of the club. As I left I cried all the way home. What did I do to myself?

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