Chapter 4: Suffering

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November sped by fast. Thanksgiving was like the usual, but without Kennan. It was me, my mother, Manny, Sara, my grandparents, some of my aunts and uncles, and cousins, and even my best friend Tina came. She was pregnant now. And her boyfriend Darry is trying his hardest to provide for her. And he is doing a good job. She has a job too but it’s not enough pay.

And now it’s December. Dario, has been like a father figure to Manny and Sara. He comes over a lot and helps buy them things and spends time with them. We never had sex again after that first time. But I know he is getting it from someone else. He’s sex crazed if you ask me. But anyway December is here. And let me break down what happened.

Sara caught the flu. And she had it bad. I had to miss a whole week of work to be with her. She looked so terrible. I remember when she was born, the doctors told her she was too weak and may die during the birth process. And if she lived she will fall ill all the time and get sick often.

Then the second week my grandfather suffered a stroke and died in his sleep. Peacefully next to his wife. It was devastating. And the funeral was held on a snowy day. Dario and Tina was there to help me through it all. A few days later, Kennan’s mother died. I guess she died of a broken heart. She became sick after he died, and she finally passed too. Leaving 3 kids. One 19, another 21 and another 16. It was breaking me inside.

And then on the third week…..I lost my job.

I was missing too many days of work, and they couldn’t keep me anymore. I was out of money, and hope. All before Christmas. And on the 24th, Manny’s birthday, Christmas Eve, there was a knock on the apartment door.

We were all siting in the living room looking at the blank tv screen. It was cold. The cable was cut off again. I got up and rested Sara’s head on the pillow. She falls asleep quickly.

I opened the door and saw Dario standing there with a huge smile on his face. “Hi.” I said. “Why are you so unhappy?” he asked me. I hated how he was smiling wide and I was upset. “I told you already.” I said. He kissed my forehead. He reached the left side of me and picked up two huge hefty bags. I could easily see through them. There were gifts wrapped up in each bag. My eyes widened, “Dario?” I asked. He came inside and stood near our cheap tree. He opened both bags and put all the presents under the tree. Sara automatically woke up and hugged onto his leg as did Manny. I stood by the door still with tears in my eyes and my hand over my mouth. I was shaking, I wanted to cry so badly.

I closed the door and walked over to the kitchen where I could cry by myself. I was so depressed thinking of how my kids would never see a beautiful Christmas tree with presents. But Dario came along and changed everything around. I heard him say to them, “Alright, you guys can open one present each. And not the big one.” He said. They cheered and laughed and I heard the opening the gifts.

Dario came into the kitchen and smiled at me, “Why are you crying? You’re still sad?” he asked. I smiled and shook my head. “Thank you so much Dario.” I said starting to cry again. He smiled and gave me a huge hug. He rocked back and forth with me. “No problem, ma.” He said. I cried into his chest.

“Here I got something for you.” He said. I pulled away and looked at him. He went back to the tree and took a present out from under it. He gave it to me and I opened it. It was as follows: 2 thick white candles, a rose, 2 chocolates, Vanilla body wash, Lavender baby oil, and a CD that had Trey Songz, Chris Brown, Miguel, and other artists. “What is this?” I asked. I looked over all of them, “Something that we can use tonight.” He said kissing the bridge of my nose. I started understanding, “Huh? How bout it?” he asked. I looked at Manny and Sara playing with their gifts and back at him. “When they go to bed.” I said. He smiled, “Fell better now?” he asked. I nodded.

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