Chapter XIV: The Lingering Touch

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"Well what's got you all happy?" Frank asked when he entered the kitchen.

It was Saturday morning and I was in the best mood possible, which obviously showed through my pleasant humming and complimentary hip-swinging as I made breakfast for my family. Pancakes and soy bacon.

"Hmm?" I said, looking up from the sizzling pan. "Oh, nothing. I guess it's just the lingering buzz from last night."

Frank hoisted himself up onto the countertop next to the stove. He reached behind him and got a plate from the cabinet, on which I placed a piece of bacon. "Did you really think it went that well?" he asked through food in his mouth.

"Did you not?" I retorted, quirking an eyebrow and offering a pancake. He accepted it.

He swallowed. "Of course I think it went well. I guess you're just not used to playing gigs."

I reached for a plate myself and loaded it with the contents of the pans in front of me. "I could do what we did last night forever." I chuckled to myself. I was so clever and Frank would never get the joke.

To tell the truth, I spent a lot of the night just as excited as I was now, if not more so from the fresh memories carved into my mind. As embarrassed as I was when I messed up attempting to kiss him, Gerard seemed to just let it make the ambiance more comfortable, not ruin the romance. In the minute where he held me, I felt so secure and never wanted it to end. But I knew that as unlikely as it had seemed two months ago, I would probably be granted the opportunity again.

And as for that physical barrier--we tore that down to the ground in the span of twelve hours. Once we had tasted any sort of amorous contact, it had all moved so fast until we were kissing backstage at a lounge. I had never really touched Gerard before, at least not in a manner that had strings attached. Sure, I had fallen asleep on top of him one evening so many nights ago, but that was nothing. His hand in mine, his arms on my waist and mine around his neck, his lips gracing my lips that then pulled into something more... I knew everything, all the blunders and misspoken words between us had led up to that, and it was worth it.

Full steam ahead it was for the next week. I was informed that it was important that we rehearse often in order to not slip, fully aware of this because of my experience in playing in high school. We had practice at Gerard's house that next Tuesday, and he kept looking at me. I almost couldn't stand it. I had to refrain from talking to him about anything other than music.

Thursday's practice then came and being in his presence was nothing short of torture; I longed to touch him again.

He dragged me aside that day after we were through and everyone else had gone upstairs from the basement where we had been playing. "I'm going nuts," he said, his voice hushed.

"Tell me about it," I said. He pulled me a bit closer and put his hands on my waist. I set my arms on his shoulders. If I had to be stuck doing anything for the rest of my life, I would want this to be it. He kissed me delicately on the mouth. I took my time opening my eyes in an attempt to savour the feeling.

"Let's do something," he said, "just you and me, huh? This stuff with everyone else isn't exactly my idea of spending time with you." He raised his eyebrows, expecting an answer.

"You want to spend time with me?" I asked. I was fairly certain of the answer, but hearing him say it would make me feel good.

"Of course I do," he said. "Always have. And I guess it's not creepy if I admit it now."

I chewed on my lower lip, suppressing a grin. "You're sweet, and I think that's a marvelous idea."

He smiled, and I looked up at him through my eyelashes. "Come over tomorrow, okay? I'll take you to dinner."

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