How the police could have looked for Jack the Ripper

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*Check up on all of the employees of the Grand Central News Agency and keep tabs on them. There is a possibility UNSUB may try to contact the "Boss" again.

*Use a vice squad to draw a list of suspects.

*Monitor crime scenes and graves of victims.

*Look up men with a history of being abused by a woman and cross reference that with single men.

*Canvas the entire are surrounding the Stride and Eddowes scenes. The 45 minute interval between these kills was the UNSUB's highest point of frenzy. Good chance he messed up.

*Obtain warrents and search the house for jars with body parts in them and ginger beer bottles full of blood (UNSUB claimed he had them in "Dear Boss" letter).

*Any gentleman who may have been seen anywhere near a crimescene is a suspect.

*Look for an underappreciated man. Could be an underappreciated job (blue collar), or it could be a lack of social recognition.

*Check local knife stores for repeat customers. (UNSUB used different knives.)

*Check on every volunteer witness.

*Ask prostitutes about new faces.

*Try to get sketches from the prostitutes who worked the same corner.

*Take "Dear Boss" letter to local teachers to see if they recognize the handwriting.

*Look for a gentleman who show subtle signs of avoiding the police.

*Search houses of butchers, surgeons, hunters, and anything else that requires knife work. (Of course warrents would be difficult to obtain.)

*Women would not be surprised at what this man is doing. Talk to the women about it.

*A bachelor.

*Possibly carries a knife with him.

*Sept 8 1888-Sept 30 1888 and Nov 8 1888-July17 1889 would be UNSUBS calmest times.

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