4. Vic

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Weeks go by and Reid doesn't bring up submission again. We don't talk about the photoshoot.

It kills me, wondering if he's already tried being submissive during a hookup, and hoping he's being safe.

But if he's not interested at all... I'd be devastated, partially because of how easily I know he can submit, but more so because we would probably remain just friends and nothing more.

I wish he'd at least say something. It's technically not my business, but I thought he'd feel comfortable talking about it with me at this point.

It might just be me, my hand, and fantasies of Reid until he's out of my system.


The doorbell rings, and it can't be the only person I want to see right now because he has a key.

I'm really not in the mood to deal with a fundraiser or a Jehovah's witness, but I answer it anyway.

To my surprise, standing in the doorway is Reid, looking more frazzled than I've ever seen him.

He takes a step before stopping himself. "Can I come in?"

My head jerks back in bewilderment. "Since when have you ever asked to come in?" I ask, stepping out of the way and holding the door wide.

He stares at me expectantly, not moving.

Right. "Yeah, come in."

This time, he barrels past me, words flying out of his mouth. "I can't stop thinking about the photo shoot. And how I felt. Holy fuck, Vic, I want to feel that again. With you." He whirls around. "I want to submit to you. For real this time. And I know we're just friends and I'm probably making a fool out of myself for even thinking there's a chance you'd want—"

His word vomit cuts off at the sound of the door shutting. Reid stands frozen in the middle of my apartment until my hand is around his throat, and a breath stutters out of him.

"Fuck, Reid, of course I want that," I whisper hoarsely. I wasn't sure if kissing would be on the table, but the way Reid's blown pupils are focused on my mouth like they're the only thing in sight answers that.

I dive in, tasting his lips for the first time. He opens for me instantly, letting my tongue explore his mouth. His sweet little moan when I catch his bottom lip between my teeth is a reward I want to earn over and over again. But I separate our mouths soon after, drawing out a whine instead that has my dick throbbing.

"We should talk about this first. I need to know your limits and your expectations. I don't even know what you want..."

"Everything. Anything," Reid says, lowering to his knees. "Anything you do—I'll want it."

My cock swells in my jeans and I close my eyes, praying for restraint. Those are the words of a newbie sub, but a trusting one. And at my feet, Reid's pleading eyes are more tempting than a siren's.

Fuck it. If my heart gets broken by the end of this, so be it.

"Say red if you ever want me to stop and yellow to slow down or reassess. Nod if you understand."

He nods eagerly.

"Now get up and strip off your clothes. Then I want you on your knees again."

Reid visibly trembles before standing and shedding his clothes.

Gone is the timid college student just looking for cash. Kneeling before me once more is a wanton little sub I can't wait to play with.

"Come here and put your face in my lap."

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