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Finally, the album is done. The press, the music videos, the photoshoots. They've been on tour for about a week now, and Lily is doing well with it. Stevie has been stressed about tonight, though. The Eagles are playing the same venue tomorrow night, and Stevie had agreed to let Don see Lily. She's had the papers drawn up for him to sign away his parental rights.

Lindsey and Stevie are in her dressing room with Lily and Lori.

"Come in," Stevie calls when there's a knock on the dressing room door.

Don smiles politely as he enters, sitting in Stevie's makeup chair.

"Hey," He says. Stevie doesn't miss the look he shoots between her and Lindsey.

"Hi," Stevie says. Lily looks up, noticing Don for the first time. She climbs up into Stevie's lap, peeking at Don curiously.

"Are you my dad?" Lily asks. Don nods. Lily looks up at Stevie and Lindsey.

"What about Lindsey? Is he my dad?"

"No, baby, he's not," Stevie says, stroking Lily's hair.

"Then how come he puts me to bed at night? And fixes my boo boos?"

"Because he loves you," Stevie sighs.

"How come he's not my dad?" Lily questions.

"That's just not how it works, my love."

"But I don't know him," Lilt says, pointing at Don.

"I know you don't," Stevie says. "Linds, Lori, can you please take her to get a snack?"

"Of course," Lindsey smiles, kissing her temple quickly, carrying Lily on his hip.

Once they're alone, Don drops his head into his hands.

"Don't act offended. This is your fault," Stevie says, rummaging through her purse for the papers. She tosses them to him, crossing her arms.

"Stevie, are you fucking serious?"

"If you feel anything at all for that little girl, you'll do it. Let her have a chance at having a father. And don't start with me, because it's very clear to me that you're still not ready to step up and be what she needs. Just sign the damn papers," Stevie says. She's at her limit. She's tired of being scared of the next move Don will try to make.

Without any argument, he signs them.

"Thank you," Stevie says, looking down at the papers.

"I'm gonna head out. Is it alright if I say goodbye to her?"

"Yeah. Don, I don't want to cut you off from her completely. I just want her to have something more permanent."

"If Lindsey can be that, I'm happy for you. I would like to see her more."

"Maybe we can figure that out."

Don nods, lingering by the door.


She turns to look at him.

"Have a good show tonight."

Stevie nods, sobbing the second he's out the door. She can't believe he signed the papers so easily.

Lindsey comes in, sitting beside her.

"What happened?"

"He signed them," She sniffles.

"That's great!"

She nods, resting her head on his shoulder.

"It's so good. He finally did something for her."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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