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June 15

To: CIA director [Redacted X X X X]

Re: Murray Hill and Hayden

In our attempt to track down the leaders of [Redacted], [Redacted], and [Redacted], I assigned three teams to the search for them, using all the resources we had available. As you know, this was not very much, so I also included a team of spies-in-training. Out of the three teams, they were the only ones to thwart Murray Hill's latest scheme and prevent him from robbing [Redacted] Casino. In the process, we also uncovered his residence in Las Vegas where he had cached all information pertaining to past and future SMASH plans. 

As you are well aware, Murray is a master at deceiving us, so the files could be a plant to mislead and distract us. However, if the documents we found are at all trustworthy, then he is likely involved in a scheme located on the island [Redacted]. Pending your approval, I would again like to use Agent Ripley and Agent Hale for this mission. I also suggest we may want to include [Redacted] as a member of the team given her knowledge of [Redacted] and language abilities. It may prove to be risky, but [Redacted] has been cooperating thoroughly since captured.

On another matter, I was made aware that [Redacted] feels ready to join the academy of espionage. While I am not in favor of this, I have been overruled by my superior. I would like to formally request her enrolment starting this fall.


[Redacted X X X X]

P.S. Some of our costumes were damaged in transit, but all have been recovered.

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