Running from the truth

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Erica's POV

I ran sobbing from the room. I just heard that while thwarting SPYDER, Ben died in the explosion that followed. I've heard other things as well, like everyone at SPYDER is dead, but the only thing that mattered was that Ben was dead. I didn't admit it, but I loved him. Every time he asked me to go out, it took all my willpower not to accept, every time he looked at me with his smile, it was all I could do to resist running over and hugging him. I remember his face, his eyes, everything about him was perfect, but now I would never see those features again. I ran outside, and went sobbing into the rainy day, like if I ran far enough, Ben would come back to life.

Hello readers, sorry for the sad (and short) chapter. Updates will probably happen at least once a week, but if I'm busy, I probably will get only one update in two weeks. Enjoy the book! (or what's finished of it). A quick shoutout to my friend Ericahale717 please check out her account. She is writing a wonderful book so if you have the time, please read it. See you later!- Revoacademy :P Another shoutout to Oinkythepiggy for making this amazing cover! 

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