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Atsumu and Sakusa have been dating for a few months now, and are in a very healthy relationship

They send each other good morning text messages, text or even call at lunch, text each other when they get home, and after dinner they face time to sleep. On the weekends it's the same thing, only they talk a lot more.

Though, they haven't seen each other face to face in months. They were sad of course, but kept each other happy

Sakusa was finally free from his schedule, and wanted to see Atsumu. So of course he made sure that Atsumu was free as well (By contacting Osamu), and Atsumu was indeed free for the weekend

So, without Atsumu knowing what was going on, Sakusa decided to surprise him, and stay over for the weekend

Sakusa asked Osamu if he could stay, and Osamu said yes, and that he would clean the house. Sakusa appreciated that, and was more comfortable with going over. Osamu also said that he would make sure Atsumu's room was the cleanest, Sakusa appreciated that as well.

Sakusa headed over there Friday night, after school. Atsumu was being a bit difficult

Atsumu- "So, I know your really good at keeping the house clean. But, your really like.. deep cleaning it.. and I'm scared"

Osamu- "I can't deep clean the house for mom?"

Atsumu- "You can! I'm just saying.. your cleaning it more than usual. Is there something I need to know? Or are you just that bored?"

Osamu- "I'm just bored"

Atsumu- "Lier"

Osamu- "How am I a lier?"

Atsumu- "Well, if you were that bored, you would come in my room and hang out, not clean the entire house"

Osamu- "Not true"

Atsumu- "Is true! When's the last time you got sooooo bored, that you deep cleaned the house, and didn't come in my room first?"

Osamu thought for a moment.. but he couldn't think of any time he's ever done that

Atsumu- "See?! So there is something!! What is it?!"

Osamu- I looked at him and sighed "You'll see innn.." I looked at the clock "3 hours"

Atsumu- "What's happening in 3 hours?"

Osamu- "It's a surprise"

Atsumu- "But 3 hours is a long time"

Osamu- "I promised to keep my mouth shut and clean the house. By the way, is your room spotless?"

Atsumu- "No? It's clean, but not spotless"

Osamu- "Make it spotless or I'll clean it myself"

Atsumu- "Why? Is this special guest of yours gonna go in my room?"

Osamu- "Yeah, actually he is. He's gonna stay in there"

Atsumu- "Huh?! I never agreed with that!!"

Osamu- "Ya will when he gets here!! Go clean your room!"

Atsumu- "Fine! Jeez.." I went up to my room, and started to clean it even more. Who is coming over that's so special to Samu?


After Atsumu was done cleaning, he got Osamu to inspect it. Osamu said it was fine, and went to go finish. After the 3 hours were done, Atsumu waited patiently for the guy to come over

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