✧Wake up Tsumu!✧

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Everyone got up in the morning for breakfast, except for Atsumu.. Atsumu is very hard to wake up.. Osamu has tried alarms, with Atsumu agreeing to the idea.. however, that didn't work

Going to sleep early also didn't work. Eating something, or drinking water before bed didn't help either.. of course Osamu suggested he didn't eat before bed, but he did anyway..

This time it was like Atsumu was dead asleep. Osamu tried the trick Sakusa showed him.. if you blow on a person's eyes, and they move, they are awake. If they don't move, they are sleeping.. he tried it, and found out he was sleeping.

He shook him violently, like usual, and that also didn't work. He eventually gave up, and called Suna..


Osamu- "I need help"

Suna- "No" I hung up the phone.. assuming it had something to do with Atsumu.. again.

Osamu- I called him again, and he didn't answer. So I called Sakusa instead.. and he picked up. "Hello?"

Sakusa- "Hey, what's up Miya-Kun?"

Osamu- "You can call me Osamu.. but anyway, I need help"

Sakusa- "With..?"

Osamu- "Tsumu.. he won't wake up.. like at all."

Sakusa- "He's not faking?"

Osamu- "Nope, not faking. Or he just developed a power where he can't feel a thing or react when being woken up. The only reason why I know he's alive is because he's snoring, has a pulse, and is breathing. Otherwise, I would think that he died"

Sakusa- "Alright.. hold on.. I'll be over in a second, just make sure the room is clean"

Osamu- "It is don't worry. And thank you, see you soon.."

Sakusa- "See you soon.." I hung up.. and looked at Motoya..

Komori- "Atsumu?"

Sakusa- "Yeah.. he's not waking up"

Komori- "Alright, well you go, and I'll get breakfast"

Sakusa- "Alright.." I left short after..


Sakusa- I got to the twins room.. and knocked.. hesitantly..

Osamu- "Oh your here.. good.. come look at this weirdo.."

Sakusa- He let me inside, and shut the door behind me.. and I looked at Atsumu... He's dead asleep.. I stood there.. staring at Atsumu.. shocked a person can be this tired...

Sakusa- "Did Atsumu get any sleep last night?"

Osamu- "Yes. I know for a fact he did because he fell asleep before me"

Sakusa- "Kick him"

Osamu- "Kick him?"

Sakusa- "Kick him. See what happens." Has Osamu never kicked him?..

Osamu- I walked up to him.. looked at Sakusa before I possibly die.. then kicked Tsumu.. I kicked him in his side.. Tsumu said that it hurts the most, so I thought it might wake him up

Atsumu- "Ow!" I held my side.. I woke up in pain

Osamu- "Omg it worked! Sakusa I gotta have you here more often"

Sakusa- "I'm surprised you never kicked him"

Osamu- "We have a bunk bed at home, so I never thought of it"

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