i almost lost you

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Mark almost dies of a heart attack.
TW: grief, heart attack and death mention
[1145 words]

(3rd) = 3rd POV
(E) = Ethan's POV


I watched as Mark was taken to an ambulance, I completely zoned out from all that happened the rest of the night. Mark was forced to spend the night at the hospital. I had to go home, praying for the best. I couldn't sleep that night. I was fearing the worst. I spent the rest of the night crying, not even closing my eyes for even a second. Mark just passed out. He's okay. He's okay. He'll be fine. He can't die. He won't die. He won't!

~The Next Day~

I woke up to a text on my phone from Mika.
She texted:

I heard what happened to Mark. I'm so sorry about that. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm alway here. I hope you're doing okay.

I was exhausted that I didn't get any sleep last night, I couldn't stop fearing the worst. How did Mika find out about Mark though? I guess someone told her?

I drove to the hospital and had to wait in the waiting room. I felt like I was there for over an hour. I saw a bunch of people walk in and out. I heard commotion of other people talking about physical health and other shit like that. I was zoning out for hours. I had to see Mark but I knew they would never allow me to just walk on there. After a while, I saw some leave the hallway leading into the different patients' room. I guess it was someone visiting. But I recognized this person.


The man darted around the lobby and noticed me. It was Sean. Another good friend of mine, he was more of a friend to Mark though. "Ethan? Why are you here?"
I sat up and walked towards him. My legs were half asleep. I didn't even answer his question. "Are you here for M-"
"Yes" I answered before he could even finish. "I brought him here."
He looked up at me. "What?"

I sighed, trying to hide the tears forming from my eyes. "We were..."I stopped. "Talking and he just collapsed on top of me and I didn't know what to do or what even happened." Sean wrapped his arms and held me tight. I couldn't stop the tears now.
Sean sighed in disbelief. "God, I'm so sorry you had to deal with that."

We stayed there for a moment before Sean eventually release me from his grip. "We'll if it makes you feel better..."
My eyes shot up. He continued. "I didn't get to see Mark but I talked to one of the doctors."

"Yeah?" I allowed him to continue.

He sighed and said, "She told me that he still needs to rest but as far as they can tell, he will be okay."

Thank Fucking God. I sighed in relief, that's all that I needed to hear to feel better. But that didn't heal me completely. I wanted to see him okay.

"I thought I could visit him sooner but they said that he still needs to rest."

His face looked down, his eyes were puffy from tears.
"I have to go, so I won't be able to see Mark today. If he wakes up, can you please tell him that I hope he is doing better." He asked.

"Of course." I replied quietly.

"Thanks man."

He left the hospital leaving me alone with my thoughts again. I sat back down and waited.
And waited.
And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

~Later That Day~

I could've sworn I've fallen asleep from sitting there for hours. I heard footsteps coming closer to me.

"Excuse me" a voice said.

I jump up. "Yeah?"

"Are you Ethan Nestor?"

It was a female doctor. I stand up from my sleep, my legs were asleep again.
"Yes, I've been here for Mark, M-Mark Fischbach." I stutter through my words.

"Yes, Mark woke up and he was hoping to see you."

My heart was pounding. As the very nice women led me to Mark's room. "He's still very weak so be careful with him, hun." She explained. I nodded before she let me into his room, she closed the door behind me. I walked closer to the body lying on a hospital bed. It was Mark. His eyes dart towards me. I looked at him in disbelief. I'm on moment we were sharing a nice moment together, and in the next he is lying on a hospital bed. He opened his mouth but didn't speak. He lifted his hand towards me slowly. Suddenly he whispered.


I froze on fear. It sounded like he used all the energy he has left to say that one word. A name. My name.

I rushed over to him and hugged him tightly. "Oh My God, Mark!" Tears fell from my face. "Hey man." He said smiling like he was fine. His voice sounded like a zombie. Mark stared at my eyes and laughed. "You never slept last night, did you?"

"I couldn't stop thinking about you."

Mark softly caressed my cheek and wiped a fully formed tear. "I can't believe I almost lost you."

Mark pulled Ethan close into a hug. "You're never getting rid of me." Mark joked.
I felt so much better feeling Mark's arm around me.
He released me from his grip.
"What Happened?" I asked.

He sighed. "Heart Attack."
"Fuck..." I mumbled.
"Doctors said my body doesn't naturally respond well with Booze." He continued.
"Dammit, I knew that had something to do with you acting different."

After a few moments, I broke the silence. "Hey, by the way, Sean wanted to visit you today but couldn't and he wanted me to tell you that he hopes you feel better soon."

Mark nodded and whispered, "Thanks."

I rubbed Mark's cheek. He rested his head on my hand. "How do you feel?" I asked.

"Better, now that you're here."

"Good" I leaned down and gently kissed his forehead. Mark's blank expression soon turned into a grin. I felt so much better knowing he was okay.

~Time Skip~

A few days past since the night Mark went to the hospital. He has been feeling better and has sworn to never drink again. Sean got to see him the day he was leaving the hospital. He allowed me to stay at his place often just so neither of us were alone. Sometimes I'd bring Spencer with me and let him play with Chica. I'd never thought I'd be thankful for being drunk that party. My drunken rant was apparently the reason of why I'm where I am today. This was the happiest I've been with someone in forever. Mark has never left my side ever since.

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