✸ Chapter Twenty-Four: Not Delivered

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𝟐𝟑 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐄 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔

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                  Lizzie never expected to find herself standing in the other room from the famous, and now-infamous, Bucky Barnes—but she'd come to realize that there are certain things that one can never be prepared for, and that happened to be one of those situations. The events at the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre ended when Steve drowned an entire helicopter (and himself) into the water just below. Peculiarly similar to their last interaction in 2013, except it was Steve pulling Bucky out of the wreckage that time. Sam and Lizzie soon met up with the two in an abandoned work mill, carefully chosen by Carson. Her and Sharon were still at the facility—pretending they knew nothing—while Lizzie let the gravity of the last few hours settle in.

"You shouldn't be here," Sam said to break the silence, looking over at Lizzie as she stretched out her limbs against a fallen locker. "Our names are on the news, MJ. Fugitives. If the CIA or General Ross, or whoever in the damn-hell is after us finds out you're with us, you're wanted too."

Lizzie weighed those options already. Long before anyone else had to say anything—long before a decision had to be made. The worst case scenario regarding the Sokovia Accords ended worse than she could have ever imagined. She prepared for disagreement, but what she didn't prepare for was a full-blown war between Steve Rogers and the government. Not again. Not when the last time she'd watched Steve's face light up the media, it was when HYDRA had a hit out on him. Everything felt the same as it did in 2013.

Everything except her.

She stood back up to full height. "I know the cost of this, Sam, and sitting by and doing nothing...letting the people I love do this without me being there to help...I do this, and I can't be upset with the consequences because I know I tried everything I could. Whatever happens, I'll live with it because I tried."

Sam watched her for a few seconds, and she clenched her jaw at the obvious analysis he was conducting. One thing she'd learned throughout the years of training was that she hated when any of them tried to read her—that had always been her talent, and when it was used against her, she did her best to block it out completely. His years at the VA collected enough knowledge on PTSD symptoms that he could tell you his own, but right now, all of his focus was on the ones Lizzie showed. The ones she couldn't hide behind a tough exterior.

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