It's All I got

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Prompt-“I’m here. I know that’s not enough, but it’s all I got.”
Warnings- Suicide

Dazai was thankful that Oda had not died on that fateful day. Sure he had to spend some time in the hospital but that was better than his death.
But then was he really that thankful when he saw Oda run into his room as he lay on the ground. The room blurry and spinning and yet this was going to be Dazai Osamu's demise.

That was the moment he regretted it. That was the moment he realised he didn't want to die, not yet. But then it was too late and it was his end.

Everything was a blur to Oda as he ran to his friend. He knew he was too late for him but he should atleast try. Even if they may be a fruitless there was always a chance. Wasn't there?

"Dazai, stay with me! Just hold on for a bit longer." He repeated for what felt like the 100th time.

"Oda, calm down." This was the end and they both knew it.

"God damn it Dazai! How can I!"

"Thank you for everything. I wish I could've taken your advice that day." He whispered. If only that ambulance would hurry up.

"I’m here. I know that’s not enough, but it’s all I got right now. So listen up if you do make it out of this I'm gonna hit you. If not I hope we meet again.”

"Me too. I don't want to die." And with his last words uttered in barely a whisper. That was the end of Dazai Osamu the paramedics didnt arrive till 15 minutes later.

Oda wasn't really back to reality when he was out for a walk and he saw a silver headed teen collapse by a river bank.

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