yuki ⋆ opposites attract

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An AU (alternative universe) where in the curse has already broken, (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

"What are you doing to our beloved Prince Yuki?" The girl with long hair and has a lollipop in her mouth said

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"What are you doing to our beloved Prince Yuki?" The girl with long hair and has a lollipop in her mouth said.

"Yeah! You're pestering him every day!" The other one with short hair added.

"Is that your way to get his attention? You know that our Prince Yuki really cares for his classmates. you keep creating problems so that you could have his attention!" The long pony-haired girl said while crossing her arms.

"Huh? I can't hear you." You said, mocking them.

"I know that you can hear us! Prince Yuki is Prince Yuki's Angels Fans Club's possession." The girl with a lollipop said. You can see her proud face.

You didn't speak and just stared at them. After a while, you laughed out loud.

"Wha- what's so funny?"

After a good laugh, you stopped and your face became serious. "Possession? Is your prince an object?"

"Huh? No! Prince Yuki belongs to everyone that's why we don't want him to have a girlfriend."

"Make your statement clear, you said earlier that your fans club posseses him then now, he belongs to everyone." You clicked your tongue. "Pathetic. Your Prince is a living, breathing human and has a brain on its own to decide whether he will have a girlfriend or not and it's none of your fucking business." You stood up and rolled your sleeves. "Who are you to decide for him huh?" You then step forward, making the three girls step backward.

"It goes to show how shallow you all think of him. He's more than just a Prince." You then fake a charge towards them, making the three girls squeal like a pig. You laughed at their facial expressions.

"Now, I don't want to attend the class anymore." You clicked your tongue before you walked away. You halted when you saw Yuki standing behind the wall. You just looked at him with a stoic expression and walked past him.

You went to the rooftop of your school. The classes had already begun but you chose to skip because why not? it's boring to listen to a middle-aged person talk for hours in front of you and besides, any day now you'll be moving again to your other relatives so you didn't bother to make friends anymore.

You just transferred here three months ago, you can't even finish a whole year in one school because after your parents died you've been passed down to different relatives that only keep you for a short period of time that's why you got tired of meeting new people and saying goodbye to them again and again.

You sighed and took a cigarette out from your pocket and lit them. You inhale the smoke and close your eyes trying to relax yourself.

You then opened your eyes only to see your class president standing in front of you, making you choke on the smoke. "Fuck!" You said as you lightly punched your chest. "Do you have feet of a rat? I didn't hear your footsteps."

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